Christmas Eve evening

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Stef's: POV
It was the night of Christmas Eve evening and we all were sitting forth of the fireplace looking at the Christmas tree. Francesca fell asleep
After we finished watching a movie down in the theater, l can't believe tomorrow is Christmas Day. I got my menu prepared for what I wanted to cook for tomorrow's dinner, l decided on whole chicken breast broccoli and mashed potatoes and for dessert it's a surprise. After Lena and I agreed to adopting Francesca, she started the paperwork by filling out all the appropriate forms online and submitted to the court appointed attorney who handles all the adoptions. I picked up and carried Francesca upstairs to her bedroom and tunk her into bed and kissed her good night, then came back down the steps and found Lena putting presents under neath the tree. All the gifts are downstairs in the basement, l didn't want Lena anything heavy. I would do it before we head to sleep, the cookies were already out on the counter for when Santa Claus comes. I put some more fire wood in the fireplace, I wanna make sure the cabin stays warm and our bedroom was nice and toasty. One thing about this house it's very insulated, the weather man is calling for more snow later on tonight
We're expecting two inches of snow
Which is not to bad for this time of year. It rarely snows, Cocoa was cuddle up to Lena on the couch and snowy was laying on the floor not to far from the fire pit. I had already taken them to find their walks, so there good for the night, l walked down the cellar to start bringing presents upstairs to under the Christmas tree. I think l'm gonna have to make three trips, it's a lot packages to carry. Earlier this evening we received a stare call from Sasha saying that she got a concerning message from Casey telling she needed a place to stay, cause apparently someone set her condo on fire. I guess that's why she came over to our house asking for help, so l'm assuming this take place after she got home. I feel bad she lost all her belongings, Casey hasn't bothered to reach out to Lena. Which l'm grateful for, Lena doesn't need the added stress. I'm glad we left town when we did,

A mom for Christmas Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora