Lunch with Dad

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Lena's: POV
I walked into the restaurant where dad wanted me to meet him at.
I went up to the counter and informed the hostess l was here meeting someone. She asked me what name was the reservation under, when I told her Adams. She grabbed a menu and usher me to followed her towards the back, dad stood up to greet me with a kiss on the cheek
The young woman sat the menu down
Sweetheart I know it's been awhile since we last got together. Things have been crazy at the office lately
So tell me anything new and exciting going on in your life lately Stuart asks his daughter, Dad your gonna be grandpa in six months Stef and I expecting twin girls Lena said
Oh my God honey this is terrific news
I can't wait to tell Margaret when she gets home from work. Now it gives me an excuse to go baby shopping
For my granddaughters. Stuart States
We're looking forward to in becoming mom's, Daddy l'm little scared if l'm being honest l don't mess up Lena begins crying. Aww sweetie
I remember the day we bought you home from the hospital your mother was petrified when you wouldn't stop whining she didn't know what was wrong and then we found out you were hungry. As parents your allowed to make mistakes, along the way
Nobody's perfect but your natural
Just trust your instincts and you're doing do fine Stuart says to Lena
The waitress came to take their orders
After giving her our request. She went on her way, l wanted to give you a heads up. Margaret and I are going to Boston for Thanksgiving to visit her family, Stuart responds. Stef's cooking dinner and her mother's coming
Lena tells her father, l know Stef is pretty excited about Sharon coming even though she lives an hour away
Stuart replied. Where gonna tell her about the babies while she's over
Lena responded, so what else going on. How's things with the children's home, said Stuart. We ran into a situation recently l think we gotta handle on it for now, we just hired another child phycologist. Who's supposed to be starting soon, where just waiting for the back round and child abuse clearance to come back
Lena explains. I just don't want you in getting way over in your head, you've worked so hard getting that place up and running, Stuart gives Lena some advice

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