it's snowing

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Lena's: POV
I can't believe I slept through the night. I was more tired than I realized
I got up at 5:00 in the morning and saw it had snowed last night, l didn't wanna wake up Stef cause she was sleeping so peaceful. I knew her and Francesca stayed up pretty late last night, so I decided to get up and go get breakfast started. I put on my thick purple bathrobe and went down stairs to find Francesca feeding the dogs, Stef must had showed her how to handle cocoa and snowy. Francesca knows not to open the front door without permission, morning Ms. Lena she says to me. Good morning sweetie l'm surprise your up so early
Lena States, oh snowy came into my room and started licking my hand
I hope your not mad cause Ms. Stef showed me where she kept the dog food. So I came down and filled there bowls with fresh water and gave them some dried food Francesca explains, you didn't have to do that you could have came and knocked on our bedroom door and one of us would have gotten up. But I appreciate you helping out with the doggies, sometimes they can be a handful Lena tells Francesca. Francesca giggles at my statement
Would you like to help me make some homemade waffles from scratch
Lena asked. I love to mommy slips
But corrected herself right away. Hoping Lena didn't hear what she called her, the light skinned woman heard but it say anything about that
She knew it was probably a mistake she doesn't want Francesca to feel embarrassed. So she goes to get the aprons that were hanging up in the closet, Ms. Lena did it snow outside
Francesca questions. It sure did Lena replied, Ms. Stef said she would take me sledding if it snowed. She told me that she has a snow mobile and sleds locked up in the basement Francesca said, really l didn't know that Lena winks at the little girl. Oh my gosh Ms. Lena, showed me my new tinker bell bedroom, l wanted to tell you thank you but Ms. Stef told me that you were napping Francesca continues on
Lena is happy Francesca is opening up more, there was a time Francesca wouldn't speak to anyone at the group home accept me and another staff member. Annie the new child psychologist has been working with Francesca the last couple of weeks
The little girl is slowly coming out of her shell. Lena can see the changes in Francesca, after Lena put on her apron and helped Francesca put hers on. Lena got out all the ingredients for the waffles they were going to make
Lena got out the mixing bowl and pour in the pancake batter and added in the water, blue berries and Francesca begin to stir all the ingredients together while Lena got the waffle maker set up. Lena couldn't wait until her daughters were older so she could teach them how to cook Lena's enjoying showing Francesca new things her step mother taught Lena how to cook at the tender age of eleven years old, but she learned before then. When it was just her and dad, she has always been a Daddy's girl. Till this day she still is, they have a special relationship will never be broken. She remembers telling him she was a lesbian at fourteen, he never judge her on her sexual orientation, he was understanding
Ms. Lena l'm finished stirring the batter Francesca, the light skinned didn't hear Francesca call out her name, sorry sweetheart what did you say. Lena asked Francesca, l'm done mixing up the pancake batter Francesca shows Lena that she threw
With the bowl, wow look at that
Lena winks at Francesca you did an excellent job and you got all the lumps out. This will make the pancakes fluffy Lena replied

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