getting the house ready

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Stef's: POV
After cleaning up the house. I went down to the basement to get the clothes out the dryer. It's been a crazy couple of days, Lena's morning sickness kicked in suddenly. The times she comes home from work exhausted, l always make sure to have a cup of hot ginger tea waiting for her
Just think Mimi will be arriving in a couple of hours. Makes my stomach turned. I told Lena I would get along with her best friend for her sake, this woman is so full of herself it's not even funny. She's only twenty seven years old and acts like a teenager
I'm glad Lena and I are mature women that act our age. Luckily she will be staying in the hotel this time
The last time Mimi was here she got pissy drunk and broke Lena's favorite vase that cost me a thousand dollars. She didn't even bother replacing it saying it was a accident
Mimi knew what the hell she did
I took the clothes out of the dryer and placed them in the basket and put another load in the washer machine
I did all the linen done already pretty soon Lena will be home. I pour in the laundry detergent in the washer and l begin putting in the clothes then close down the lid, and grabbed the basket and went on upstairs to fold the laundry. It's a good thing l don't need to go into the restaurant for anything my staff reassures me they have everything under control, next weekend we have an event to go to
She has know filter when it comes to talking. Yeah I know my mouth is bad it's only when people pissed me off l curse, Lena has her moments as well
She's a lot tamer than me. It takes a lot to get her fired up, l had our first ultrasound picture frame and put on my nightstand beside my bed, Mimi's only gonna be in town until Sunday
Lena said she has some photo shoot down in Los Angeles. I won't be surprised if she posed for play boy
It's always nice to connect with people in the community that appreciates my business as a restaurant owner, our friends always asked how much money we have between the two of us. I come from a wealth family, l don't go around board casing l'm a billionaire. I'm thinking about going out and getting a Christmas tree for the house, Lena's wants a white. We talked about fostering a little girl for the holidays
Lena told me about the little girl named Francesa who attached her self to Lena recently. It's something about this child that Lena took a special interest in, even though where expecting our own bundle of joy in nine months from now. My mom called the other day asking me when the next time we would be coming to visit. It probably will be the week before Thanksgiving. If Lena's not working at the group home, she worked last year. This year is going to be a lot more presents under the tree
Lena can be a big kid around Christmas time,

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