Christmas dinner foster Adams style

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Lena's: POV
I can't believe Francesca had over forty something presents under neath the Christmas tree. Half of them were me and Stef and the other ones were from our side resources. She got three American girl dolls, books apple ipad for kids. Barbie dolls, rolling skates a
Bike, clothes knee pads, a helmet to wear when she's skating and riding her bike. Jewelry board games, a Nintendo switch, coloring books an art studio that came with color pencils drawing books and bedding for her bedroom. Gift cards to toys R us, shoes and the list goes on. Lena brought me a brand new laptop
Four coach bags, a luggage set stuff from bath and body works. Pj's
Bath robe, slippers, jewelry, perfumes
Two pairs of UGGs. I brought her a brand new motorcycle a leather jacket, clothes, the new iPad that just came out recently, a Sony DVD player
A canon digital camera, her favorite Colone, vanilla musk. iPod shuffle after opening up our gifts, we all got showered and dressed. Wearing our new outfits, Stef surely out done herself. With dinner, she made baked rosemary chicken mashed potatoes and broccoli. Let's not get started on dessert, strawberry cheesecake she knew was my favorite. Everything was delicious, l couldn't bother to go back for seconds. My stomach was nice and full, l don't think l'll have room for desserts. l'm about ready for bed, after eating that lovely meal
Francesca is on her second plate
It was good to see her eating everything on her plate, cocoa and snowy got there own chicken breast
They really went to town. We have enough for tomorrow's dinner, since Stef cooked all the food. I loaded up the dishwasher with the dirty dishes
Then wiped down the tables with Francesca's help, the dogs were nice and full. Now we're downstairs in the basement waiting a movie on the 62" flat screen TV with surround sounds
It's like being in a movie theater, cause we the seats with the cup holders on the side, overall we had a beautiful Christmas this year. I can't wait till next year, hope and Grace will get to experience it for the first time. We head back home next Saturday, Francesca still has other gifts at the group home and our house to open. Stef purchased everything for the twins, for their first year. I don't think l'll need to have a baby shower
I practically have everything l need
The only thing I need to get is there clothes and a few other things, God grace and hope are going to be spoiled rotten. Plus we have to got to my dad's house and drop off his and Margaret's Christmas presents,
They invited us over for news years eve dinner. Their hosting a small get together, at there home.

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