cooking on the grill

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Stef's: POV
After seasoning up the salmon
I took the plate outside and placed the meat on the grill. Lena has already whipped up the salad and now she's upstairs having some down time
While snowy is out here with me
Lena recently fed them their food
There due to have snacks in an hour
Then l'll take them for a walk, l finally changed all the locks on the doors
Tomorrow l need to head into the hardware store and get some keys made. The owner has came and gotten the furniture out of the house
First thing in the morning the delivery guys will be here to deliver the new furniture for the living room
And all the painters that were on the walls, l don't wanna paint the whole house. I'm content with the colors
But the babies room, l want design and set up like a princess room for our little girls. I wanna have it painted lavender, l turn over the salmon on the grill. Snowy looks up at me, no no you ate already mommy doesn't want you having table food
Sorry snowy Stef says to her dog
It's like we might get some snow soon
We have plenty of firewood, our bedroom has a fireplace as well
Lena must have brought some plates out and laid them out on the table
I put the lid down then go into the house. With snowy running ahead of me, l give her a few doggy treats in her bowl. Stef goes over to the sink to wash her hands, she finishes up and turns off the water. I head upstairs to check up on my wife, and when I enter inside our bedroom she was sound asleep with a book lying on my chest. She was just one of my flannel shirts, l lifted up her shirt and planted kisses on her growing belly. I start talking to the babies, my little angels
You have the greatest mommy in the world. We love you so much and can't wait to see you soon, Stef said baby it's almost time to eat. You need to get up and put something in your tummy
My girls need you healthy Stef says to Lena, love let me go and use the bathroom first and then I'll be down Lena replied as she slowly got out the bed. She went into the bathroom to empty out her bladder, once she was finished. Lena flushes the toilet
Washed her face and hands, dried her hands off. Lena went downstairs and seen Stef taking the salmon off the grill, Lena stood in the door way
Cocoa was by her feet rubbing against her leg. Lena bend down to pick cocoa up in her arms, and petted her chocolate fur. Lena moves away from the door so Stef could through with the hot plate, Lena put cocoa down she rewashed her hands before taking the salad out of the refrigerator.

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