Getting the house ready mom's visit

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I'm home getting the house all cleaned up for my mother's visit
It's been two years since I seen her last. Lena's out walking cocoa and snowy, mom and I always had a complicated relationship during my teenage years. Hopefully we can get along since it's the holiday season
We do better long distance, the last l need for Lena getting overwhelmed by my mother's comments. She always been respectful towards our marriage, l give her credit on that
I can't believe thanksgiving is less than three days. Lena and I won't get started cooking till tomorrow, mother opted to stay at a hotel instead of with us. I offered to pick her up at the airport, but she decided to take a cab
Mom said she would swing by the house, once she gets rested up
She loves to travel around the world
I just want us to have a nice family meal together without the drama,
There's no telling how she's going to react to the baby News we have yet to tell. When Lena told Stuart and Margaret, they were so excited about becoming grandparents. It's a shame they won't be here for Thanksgiving
Their in Boston visiting some of Margaret's family, l was up early getting all the laundry washed
I don't want Lena to have to lift anything heavy. She's five months now, Dr whitmore says the babies are growing nicely. It's a good thing Lena took a leave of absence from the group home, she only goes in for intake appointments and check up on things. The new child psychologist seems to fitting in well according to Shannon, Lena's business partner
We invited Sasha over for dinner
She'll be coming over after visiting her boyfriend people. Casey will be stuck working with two other staff members, l never asked Lena about the conversation she had with Shannon. Babe it's chilly outside
I heard Lena say as she entered the house, Lena is removing the leashes off the dogs. Yeah the weather man said we might get some snow on Christmas Eve, hopefully we'll be up at the cabin. I was thinking we could head up there a little early than we discussed, that way we can beat the traffic on the roads. Unless you wanna wait, Stef asks. I need to find out when Francesca's last day of school is
Lena replies as she comes into the kitchen to make a cup of tea, what time were you planning on going over to the group home to drop off the turkey. I know you said Shannon was making the side dishes, l hope she doesn't stick with you all the cooking
Like she did last year. Don't think l forgot, l got something for ass this time. Stef says to Lena, honey why are so suspicious about the staff members
At my job. Lena questioned her wife
After the mess Casey pulled recently
I know you don't like me mentioning her name, Stef replied. Babe it's fine
I'm glad you always have my back
Lena takes a seat on the bar stool
Stefanie come quick your daughter's are kicking up a storm Lena Stated
Stef came over and placed her hand on Lena's large growing tummy
She feels the twins kick her hand
Princess and angel behind for your mommy Stef enjoys talking to her daughters. Stef gives a kiss on the lips
Then moves to pour tea in Lena's mug
So what else do we need to do Lena asks, l don't want you lifting a finger
Everything is under control. The clothes washed and dried, l seasoned the turkey's The only thing you have to do is prepared the vegetables and Mac and cheese, along with the desserts. Stef tells Lena, Stef don't you think your going just a little overboard. I'm pregnant not a invalid
I appreciate everything you've been around the house and you want me to take it easy, but l'm the one who's carrying two babies in my womb
Lena isn't use to be care for. Baby l'm sorry I'll try to ease up some l just want make sure you don't overdo it
Remember what Dr. Whitmore said
You can go into preterm labor, and that's something I take very seriously
Stef tries to get Lena to understand the seriousness of the situation when it comes to carrying twins. Lena drinks her hot beverage, so beautiful what do you want for dinner tonight
Stef asked. The girls and I were craving some general TOS chicken and those fat noodles, Lena said
Stef goes to take out the menu out the kitchen drawer. We should have stopped at that Chinese market before coming home, you know they carry everything. Stef States you call and l'll pick it up, Lena told Stef. Absolutely not. I'm not gonna let my five month pregnant wife go down there by herself, Stef replied. damnit Stephanie quit treating me like a child gets up from the table and heads upstairs
Stef knows she made have pushed to far. She decides to give Lena some time to cool down, while she calls and places the order. Lena love can you come down here for a minute, Stef said from the bottom of the stairs
Stef forgets how sensitive Lena is
The last thing I wanted to was pissed you off, sometimes I forget how strong will you are. I know I may come off as a little overprotective
It was never my intention for to feel
Like l was controlling you, we are a team. I just want nothing happening to you and these precious gifts you've blessed me with, so please forgive me for being overbearing Stef apologies Stef l accept your apology but you have to realize l'm still my own person. Just ease up a little Lena responds, they gonna deliver the food
That way neither of us have to go out
Stef responded.

A mom for Christmas Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora