after all this time

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Lena's: POV
My mind was swimming all over the place. After seeing Dana enter my hospital room, it's been years since I see her. I don't know why she choose to come back now into my life,
I want nothing to do with that woman
Ever. She can ride back on the bloom stick, she rode in here on. Dad said Dana wanted a relationship with me
I just laugh, l don't see that happening
But I have some questions for her
As to why she left us. I know if mama were here she would ripe her to sheds
The nurse brought back Grace and Hope, l held her in my arms and kissed her head whispering l love you
While Stef has Hope feeding her a bottle, Grace kept tugging at my top
I guess she was hungry. I undid my gown, and grace latched on to my nipple and begin sucking gently
It felt kinda strange, breast feeding l heard was a lot safer than formula
Hope rather drink from a 4oz bottle
Babe I don't want you worrying about this situation with Dana inferring with our family Stef said. I don't know how she find out l was here in the hospital, Daddy told me she lives in Los Angeles. I explained to Stef as she burps Hope by patting her on the back, l look down to see Grace has drifted off to sleep. I lifted her up in my arms, gently patting her back
Stef told me that Angela called with an update on Francesca's adoption
We passed the home studied. And she submitted the application to the lawyer, and we should hear something in the next few weeks
I'm due to be discharged tomorrow afternoon. I've only been in the hospital for three days now, they just wanted to make sure that the girls and I were alright before releasing us

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