McKenzie Banks

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It's been a rough couple of years for me. After leaving my sweet baby girl on those church steps, I went into a deep depression. I lived with the guilt everyday, l think it will never go away
Francesca didn't deserve that. I ended my relationship with her father
Later to find out I was expecting again
So l did what any good woman did
I suffered in silence. our relationship if you wanna call that, l thought after giving birth to our son Andy would make me feel better. Every time I look at his face l think about Francesca
Who she look like. Does she have parents that love her unconditionally
Did she get the locket that I left in the basket, I knew l had to leave him
I wrote him a long letter giving my boyfriend full custody of our son Andy. He's a constant reminder
Of what I gave up six years ago,
As I kiss, my two year old goodbye and left the letter on the kitchen counter along with the engement ring
And walked out the front door got into the taxi cab. That's taking me to the airport, where l would fly out to California and start my new life if possible. I look out the window and cry, hope he and his father are happy they have a heir to add to the family empire. It's a shame my daughter will never be accepted in their family,
The day we drove away from that church. We got into a big argument
He told me it was God's will, and Francesca will find loving people to take care of her. That's when I realized that he never loved me the way l loved him, l was just a body to carry his seeds inside of me for nine months. After his father gave me ten grand for giving him a grandson,
in the beginning l wasn't going to take it. But I thought what the hell
Now I'm on the plane ready to start my new journey as Reed Maxwell
No longer am I McKenzie Banks
That person is dead, l'll get a social security card. Birth certificate and driver's license with my new identity at twenty six years old, I never thought my life would turn out like this. My mom and dad refuse to talk to me after they found out about what I did to my daughter, l brought all this on myself. Hopefully one day my children will forgive me, for all the pain l clause them. The first thing l'm gonna do once l get to my destination is fine me a hair dresser who can color my hair which has gotten longer
You know what they say. New do new me, l know l've going crazy out of mind. I have been wrapped up into that man for the past six years, l guess
I felt for his charming smile and boyish Witt to see what was going on right in front of me. Mama always said, I fall in love to fast because I fell for him hard. He was my first serious relationship, the first few months we were in love. He treated me like a princess, taking me on shopping sprees. Expensive trips to the Virgin Islands, I was happy with him then suddenly that all change when he find out l was having a girl. I believe the lies he told me, l stayed for the sake of my son. I thought having Andy would bring us closer again, that when I knew. He cared more about Andy than me, the captain announced we should be landing in California in the next twenty minutes. My good friend Megan invited me to come stay with her until I got on my feet, she lives here in Cal. Megan has a beach house
We met in college, she knows about my relationship with the man l was engaged to.

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