The Seattle Aquarium

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Francesca's: POV
Where finally at the Seattle Aquarium
I saw all kinds of fishes in the extremely fish tank. They swang around in the water, the seahorses was the best part of all. I found it rather fascinating, when I go back to school on Monday l'm gonna tell my teacher Ms. Morgan about my day at the aquarium, l might write a story on fish for my next book report. I'm glad Mrs. Lena and Mrs. Stef brought me here, l wish they could adopt me so I can be there little girl. Ms. Lena will be having her babies soon and I won't see as much, she'll be home tending to her little ones. So as of now l may as well suck up as much attention as l can, l turned around and see Ms. Stef rubbing Ms. Lena's round belly. I wonder if my Daddy was that way when my mom was carrying me in her womb. Even though I know nothing about them or where l came from, Francesca where about to go to the gift shop. You pick out something you like Ms. Lena tells me, l smile wide. I take her hand and we head to the store, we looked at all the stuff animals and souvenirs they had behind the counter. It's hard to choose
I picked up the seahorse and the Nemo fish, Ms. Stef winks at me
She is looking at the jewelry in the display case. Sweetheart did you find what you wanted, Ms. Lena said
Yes l held up the two things I found
Francesca replies. We made our way up to the register to pay, l set my things on the counter. The girl rings up my stuff, l saw the pretty sliver dolphin necklace and seahorse one
Ms. Stef swipes her credit card. And then Signs the receipt, Ms. Lena takes the plastic bag off the counter. And carried it in her hand, and we all left out the gift shop. We took some pictures when we first arrived on Ms. Stef's digital camera, after Ms. Stef unlocks the car doors. I climbed up inside, Ms. Lena had a hard time getting in. So Ms. Stef came around to help her in, once she was finished she shut the door. And went around to the driver's side and slide in, buckling up seat. She started up the car, and drove off. We need to swing by the house so I can walk cocoa and snowy, then we can go grab a bite to eat at my restaurant Capricorn Ms. Stef says
You guys have dogs how many do you have Ms. Stef Francesca asked
Oh love we have two their actually brother and sister. Don't worry they very well trained so they won't bite you, honey l rescue them from the shelter, they have all there immunizations. Cocoa might licked your hand and snowy may sniff you
He likes to be petted and cocoa is the baby of the family so she's spoiled Ms. Stef explains, we pulled up the most beautiful house l ever seen before
I was awe looking out the window
Ms. Stef pressed the button on the keypad and the Gates opens up
Then drove on through that's when I see this great big house. That looks like a mansion, she parked the car
There l saw a woman with red hair sitting on the porch. She was holding a chocolate colored dog in her arms
Another one beside her, l'm not sure which one is. I unfasten my seat belt
I was feeling a little shy, Ms. Stef came around to open up my door
I'm assuming she put the child safety lock on. Honey don't be bashful
That's just my mom Ms. Foster
Ms. Stef says, okay I replied
Mother l like you to meet Francesca
Ms. Stef introduces us. Aren't you the prettiest little girl Ms. Foster spoke
Thank you ma'am Francesca speaks
Do you wanna come with me to walk the pups, she asks me. Can I go Ms. Lena she sits down, yes Francesca
You may Ms. Lena smiles at me
Ms. Stef comes out carrying too leashes for the dogs. She puts it on them,

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