Chapter 19

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"Thank you." Audrey smiled at the cashier at the grocery store. She needed to pick up some things for dinner, her mother asked her to. "Have a nice day."

The group had arrived back home shortly after breakfast. Sarah and Nathan were recovering from their hangovers, and the rest of the group was sick of hearing them complain.

Audrey walked out of the store and got back into her car, rolling her windows down and playing her favorite music, letting it consume the air as she drove back home, through the cut and over the marsh.

She passed by her friends' houses, and as she continued to drive, the smell of the warm beach air took over.

She pulled over and stopped her engine, pulling off her sneakers and socks, and climbing the small rock wall to the top, where she saw the sun setting and some people on the beach, surrounding bonfires and going for evening swims.

She heard some familiar laughs, some she hoped weren't who she thought they were, but she hesitantly looked over, and sure enough, Rafe and Kelce were talking and laughing as they walked along the beach. But they weren't alone.

Kelce was with his friend Kaitlyn, who he has been with on and off for almost a year, but Rafe was talking to one of her friend's, Charlotte.

Audrey has never been super fond of Charlotte. She's always looking for attention, and she's caused problems with people's relationships before, including Sarah and Topper's. She was also coincidentally the girl that Rafe brought to his senior prom...

Audrey's heart felt ten times heavier. She and Rafe weren't exclusive... they weren't really anything... but did he seriously think this was okay?

They were walking in her direction, and that's when she noticed Kelce's car in the lot behind her.

She began to turn away, wanting to leave before she was seen. She started to climb back down the rock pile, but not before she caught Rafe's gaze, who immediately looked away and spoke something to Charlotte.

Audrey fumbled with her keys, trying to find the unlock button as she heard her name called. She crossed the street to her car, hearing her name get called again.

"Audrey? Hey." Rafe called, carefully walking down the rocks and crossing the street. "How are you?"

She flattened her lips as she climbed into her car. "I'm fine."

"Good, good." He nodded, resting a hand on her open door as she put on her seatbelt, staring straight ahead so she wasn't looking at him. "What are you up to?"

"Why do you care?" She replied, starting her car and reaching for her door, which was a signal for him to get out of the way, but he didn't. "Excuse you."

He still didn't move, he exhaled through his nose, deep in thought like he was plotting something. "Is Nathan busy tonight? I was thinking maybe I could come over." He raised his eyebrows like he was suggesting something.

Audrey knew what he meant. He wouldn't be coming over just for Nathan. "He's not home." She lied and reached for the door again, this time he took a step away.

"Is anyone home?" He smiled. "Because-"

"Rafe?" Kelce called. Both Rafe and Audrey looked over in their direction. Kelce, Kaitlyn, and Charlotte were standing and watching Rafe and Audrey.

"Whoops. Are we interrupting?" Charlotte asked in a judgemental tone.

"Not at all." Audrey replied, shutting her door and shifting her car into drive.

"Audrey, can you not shut me out?" He yelled through the window, motioning for her to roll it down.

She let it down and leaned back, closing her eyes and sighing. "Oh, I'm shutting you out?" She snapped and fondled her car's sound system.

Old Money - Rafe CameronDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora