Aine vs. Axel

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A duel? Is he kidding me? Why a duel? I guess it would be okay since I now wield the keyblade, but a duel?? My face stiffens and I hesitate to think this through. "What? Backing out already? And here I thought you had guts." he says, in a taunting tone. Guts? I quit hesitating and through my impulsive actions, I take the deal. "Fine! You're on, but you might regret it. Meet me at the sandlot in an hour and don't be late." I say flipping my hair, whilst turning around to meet back up with Emiri and Saaya. Then it suddenly hits me. What did I just get myself into? I have just agreed to battle Axel. Why did I agree to do that? Sure I have the keyblade, but I've only been here for what? Two hours maybe? I have no powerups, I have no experience or boosts. I am done for. "What just happened?" Saaya slowly asks. I shake my head feverishly. "I'd rather not talk about it." I tell her. I had an hour to get ready and build my skill up. "Hm, I would. I would like for you to explain to us how exactly you expect to fight him in a battle and win without any skills?" she asks, but more of a taunting, sarcastic manner. "Way to boost my confidence." I remark, sticking out my tongue to her. We then leave the top of the clock tower and make our way to the bottom. "Look. Everything's gonna be fine because even if I don't have any experience with wielding the keyblade, I have experience controlling the player with the keyblade. What's the difference? At any rate, I'm sure we have a straight shot at this. I'll battle Axel, I'll win, he'll help us, and we can go home." I further explain, as we get to the bottom. "And what are you gonna do about your unresolved feelings for Axel?" Saaya asks. "What unresolved feelings?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "You know, the part where you kissed him and then ran off." Saaya claims. "Oh. Those unresolved feelings. If he doesn't remember, then I can always force it upon him again. Easy as that, but that's not the main problem." I repond, trying to be done with the subject. "Anyway, according to someone, I need to practice at wielding the keyblade and raise my experience a bit. Want to join me?" I ask. "Sure!" the girls cheer in unison. We leave the train station and head off in every direction we can possibly access, trying to find Heartless or Nobodies. We've come across quite a few Heartless, in every shape and size. We've mostly ran into Shadows, but have also encountered Soldiers, Large Bodies, Red Nocturnes, Blue Rhapsodies, Yellow Operas, and Green Requiems. We've only really run into one type of Nobody and they would be called Dusks, a different class of Nobodies, from Organization XIII. A class of Nobodies that only have one goal in mind: to destroy. They were pretty challenging, what with all the back and forth, but we can manage. An hour quickly passes and we make our way to the sandlot. I feel ready and pretty confident about myself. "You can do this!" Saaya cheers. "Yeah! We believe in you!" Emiri riots. The two girls make their way towards the benches, where they can watch. I make my way towards the center and wait. A moment later, Axel appears, using his dark portal. "Well, you ready?" he asks. "Ready as I'll ever be! Or are you willing to withdraw and save yourself from embarrassment?" I taunt him. "Hmph. Don't you go off and die on me now." he remarks, drawing a ring of flames around us. Aww. This would be so cool if he weren't trying to kill me right now. He then draws his chakrams out. This is the first time I've seen them, regarding the time he's tried to draw them up in my room, but failed. I stand my ground and grip my keyblade, getting into a fighting stance. Both of us leap into the air and go toe to toe with each other, as if we were dancing within the arena. I barely dodge about every attack he's made. Basically because I know how to. The attacks include him using his blades to shoot fire beams at me, turning the ground into magma; causing me to leap into the air plenty of times, tossing his blades with rings of fire at me, teleporting behind me and striking me down. "You should be careful where you aim that thing! Someone can get hurt!" I shout to him. "Isn't that the idea?" he snarks. "What? Give up already?" "Not a chance! I'm just getting fired up! Literally!" I proclaim. At a very odd given chance that he was open, I took the opportunity and struck him down with a multiple hit combo from my keyblade. The ring of fire disperses, leaving to show the winner of this match.

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