Saving Emiri

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So our group has decided to split up anyways. I suppose it's more convenient to cover more ground this way. We decide for each party to explore a different area of the ship. All of us had already searched the top deck, so that leaves only 3 floors of new ground to cover. One for each of us. Numbered from top to bottom, Axel gets grounded on the first deck down, Peter and Tink on the second level, and that leaves me down in the basement. I cringe at the thought of having to explore the basement. It makes the most sense for our friends to be held captive down in the depth of the ship, I suppose. The last floor was dark, cold, and wet. I really hate basements... "Emiri! Are you here?" I call out to the darkness, walking down the hall. No response. Oh how I hate it down here. It creeps me out. "Emiri!! Please call out to me if you're here!!" I repeat with frustration. I had really hoped she would be here. I keep walking down the hall until I come to a steel bar door in my way. I peep through the handles. "Emiri?" I call once more. This time I hear shuffling in the distance. "Emiri?" I repeat. Chains begin to rattle, almost unnoticed. "Uh....Aine...? Is that you?" I hear a faint voice in question. "Emiri!!" I call out with relief. "What are you doing here? Is the others with you??" I inquire. "Others...?" she asks. "Yeah, others." I repeat. "Is Zexion and Wendy with you?" Peter mentioned saving Wendy, I assume she must be in the same room. "Wendy? You mean Wendy Darling?..." she questions with confusion. "Do you remember what's happened?" I ask with the same amount of confusion. What exactly had happened here? Was she not aware that she's been captured? "I-I don't know. All I remember is being with Zexion at that weird castle we were at..." she explains. "And...? Do you remember anything after that?" I ask once more. " said Wendy...are we in Neverland?" she questions, more alert. "Mm...yes, we are." I answer with a faint voice. If what she says is true, then this worries me... If what I'm thinking IS right, then it makes no sense to why 'he' would do this. I can't worry about that now. My main priority is to get Emiri out of this cellar they have her chained up in. I try to pull the handle to open the door. No use, it's locked. I'm gonna need to find a key. I don't think it'll be on this floor, so I need to look elsewhere... "Emiri! Hold on, I'm gonna bust you outta here, but I need to search for a key. Don't go anywhere." I tell her. "Do I look like I'm in the position to move?? Go! Find the key and hurry back!" she shouts with annoyance. "Got it!" I yell, turning back from the door and running back up to the deck. 'Running', not because I need to hurry and bust Emiri out of that cellar, but because I really hate basements. On the way up to the deck, where I think the Captain's cabin would be at least, turning the corner, I collide into a rock hard chest and fall to the floor. "Oof!...Hey now..." I mumble before looking up to meet the person I've ran into. "Oh, it's you. Axel." I say, getting up from the ground. "Have you found anyone?" I inquire. He just shakes his head. "None, I was on my way down here to meet you." he explains. "Have you?" he questions. I nod. "Mm, yeah, I did." I start. "I managed to find Emiri. She's been captured and is held in a cellar like prison. They have her chained to the wall... The room's locked, so I thought to find a key." I reciprocate the situation at hand. "Is anyone with her?" he asks. I shake my head. "No and get this, I don't think Cap'n Hook is the one who's taken her here." I explain with worry. His expression grows with concern and confusion. "What do you mean?" he wonders. "Well...all she remembers is being with Zexion at the castle. She has no clue of what's happened..." I state. "Hmm...and you think Zexion is the one who's brought her here, don't you?" he asks. I just nod. "But we can't worry about that now, we've got to find a key!" I exclaim, trying to nudge past. Axel grabs me by the shoulder, pushing me back a little. "Hold up, aren't you forgetting something?" he asks, giving me a serious look. I think about it. What was I supposed to remember? I raise an eyebrow to him in response. "Don't tell me you've forgotten. Your weapon. Got it memorized?" he states out in an old fashion, tapping his temple. My eyes widen. Of course! How could I forget. Ugh...There was no point in running up here, was there? Meaning I have to go back down... "You know, I really hate it when you're right.." I tease him. "You'll get used to it." he responds with a smirk. Ohhh, I'm sure I will. With Axel behind me, we both run back down and make it to the room. "Okay, Emiri, we're here." I announce. "You know, before you hurriedly made your way back, I was thinking you could've used that Key thing you have with you." she tells me. Does the whole world know how to use this thing, but me? And she hasn't even played the game. "Alright! Here goes!" I exclaim, gripping the Keyblade and pointing it towards the locked door. A shining light had shown through for only a second and dispersed back into the air. *click* A sound like the door unlocking had been made. I pull on the handle to make sure. Yay! Success, it opens! "Emiri! We're here!" I shout. "Good, now unchain me!!" she shouts with angst in her voice. "Girl, I am, give me a sec!" I wail. "I'm sorry, I guess being chained to a wall like a prisoner changes a person." she sasses. I respond by giving her a displeased expression. "Glad to see you're fine." I tease, whilst unhooking the chains. "You okay?" I ask with concern. "Yeah, I'm just still confused with everything. Nothing is exactly making sense in this dimension." she answers. "If it makes you feel better, we think we know who your capturer is." I inform her. "Well, she might think she knows, but I know it's not who she thinks it is." Axel comments. I turn to raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh yeah? And what makes you so sure he's not? It would make sense since the last person she saw was him." I state. "Yeah, but he's part of the organization. Someone like him would never betray our team. There are some serious consequences for traitors." he explains. Emiri looks at us in a more confused state of mind. "What? Who do you think captured me?" she asks. "I think Zexion did it!" I exclaim. Emiri's eyes widen with a sense of shock, before bursting with chuckles and laughter. Now I'm the one confused.. "Wh-what?" I pry. "Hehe it's not me." she answers, still laughing. "Tell me." I repeat. "Tell you what?" she plays coy. "You know what." I respond once more. "I'm not sure. Could you give me a hint?" she teases with a smirk. "Woman!!!" I shout, walking up to her and pinching her cheeks until she agrees to tell me. "Ow haha okay, okay. I'll tell you, let go." she pries my grip off her, still chuckling. "I'm not sure how to say this, but I know it wasn't him for sure because...we're dating..." she says the last part barely through her teeth. "Ohhh my goshhh..." I let out a gasp. "You too??" I ponder. "'You too??' What do you mean?" she questions. "It's it?" she wonders, whilst glancing between Axel and I. "No!" I exclaim, a little embarrassed now. "Saaya and Demyx." I say through gritted teeth, feeling left out that only Axel and I haven't gotten together yet, but whatevs... "That's great. I'm happy for you! How did-" I wanted to ask how they got together, but Axel cuts me off. "Sorry, but right now I think we have more important priorities at hand." he tells us. Oh yeah! Haha I kind of forgot...well...more like I want to forget, but he's right! We can't stop now, we gotta finish what we started! "Alright! You guys ready?" I ask. "Yeah!" "Of course!" they cheer simultaneously. "Let's go finish this!" I shout.

Reality vs. Virtual [An Axel Fanfic]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon