Holes Of Darkness

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I wake up on my parents' bed, remembering of what happened last night. I don't even want to come out of the room. My face grows pale. I remember that I do not have a change of clothes with me. I have forgotten to bring any with me. I glance at my phone. I grab it from the bedside table and scroll through the texts that Saaya and Emiri have sent me. Saaya was shocked at what had happened. She told me to just stay calm and if at anyway possible, to just act normal. Emiri, on the other hand, got excited and told me to just admit I feel a certain way about him, like I've always have and tackle him to the bed, kissing him more. Neither of them is really helping me at this point. I love them, but how am I supposed to act normal? Emiri might be onto something with confessing how I feel, but tackling him to the bed? Oh my. Technically, I should blame my parents. It's their fault for leaving us alone together under the same roof. And what was it with mom saying she hopes Axel and I get along well together? Did she want us to do something? Did she plan for this? I don't really get it, but at this point, what's understandable anymore. Ugh. I'm gonna have to live with it so I might as well tough up, go to my bedroom and get my clothes. I get out of bed and leave the room. My room is closed. The door is shut? What's so private that Axel doesn't want me to go in and see? I knock on the door of my own bedroom. "Axel! It's me, Aine. Let me in. I need to change clothes." I say against the door frame. "Axel? Hello?" I repeat, whilst knocking. What is going on? I keep knocking. No answer. I go back in my parents' room and find a pin. I bite off the end and straighten it out. I walk back to my bedroom door and stick the pin in the side of the door, jiggling it around until I hear a 'click' sound. Finally, it is now unlocked. I turn the handle and push my way in. When I open the door, I find somewhat of a black hole in the middle of my room. What? What was happening? And where is Axel? I take a step back, whilst in thought. I stare at the black emptiness in the floor. I don't think it's a black hole. Otherwise, it would've sucked everything inside it and objects and items were still where they were, surrounding the hole. Then what is it? Slowly, but steady, I make my way to the closet to grab something to wear more than just a slip on. I grab my earth day shirt that I had gotten for free at school and my black capris. I maneuver my way back out of the room into the other room to change. Once I did, I grab my phone and dial Emiri and Saay's numbers. I put them on three way. "Hello?" "Hi!" the girls answered simultaneously. "Girls! I need your help! Something major is happening and I don't know how or why it happened, but you both gotta get here asap!" I shout into the phone. No one responded. Ummm? I then hear a 'honk' coming from outside. I hang up the phone and run outside. That was quick! Emiri and Saaya were already parked in the driveway! "Girls! I'm glad you two are here! Thank God!" I say, running up to them. "What's wrong?" Saaya asks me. I can't just 'tell' them. They wouldn't believe me. "What's wrong? Oh. Let me just show you what's wrong." I tell them. I lead them inside the house and to my room. The door was closed again because just incase it is a black hole, I don't want it to suck everything else outside of the room. "Hey, where's Axel?" Emiri asks, noticing Axel is nowhere to be found. My eyes shift to the ground, then to the door. "I don't know. You tell me." I respond, opening the bedroom door to reveal a larger black hole in the middle of the room.

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