Cute, Coy, and Something Dark

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'A few weeks, I'm guessing, had passed and we're still here in a video game world. Kingdom Hearts world to be exact and if you think it stops here, it doesn't. Knowing the game, there's more than just one world to explore, but the world the girls and I are staying at is in a world that was never supposed to be. While staying here, we've grown accustom to the environment and we've gotten used to living here, doing jobs, and earning an income. A lot of the jobs we've taken involve us defeating Heartless, but that's about it. That's the contract we've made with Organization XIII's leader, Lord Xemnas. Nothing really new that I haven't experienced yet when actually playing the game though. The girls and I have gotten closer with the men, although, Axel and I are just the same as before. I'm starting to think he'll never regain his memories...but oh well. Staying here, we've made so many new ones to replace the old. He's opened up to me more, so I'm pretty thrilled about that. Same with Zexion to Emiri. He's not so much mysterious anymore. Both of them had been going on missions with each other left and right. I've learned they've also been working on their magic together and practicing new spells. It's relieving how much they get along with each other. Saaya and Demyx have been getting along quite nicely as well. Like the rest of us, they've been going on missions together on their own. They've also been practicing to make such beautiful music during their free time. It's truly wonderful how the girls found their matched partners in game world. At least I won't be the only one in love with a video game character anymore. It would be amazing if the girls and I could find a way to bring the men back with us. I wouldn't mind living here, but we gotta go back someday, don't we? There's gotta be a reason we're not allowed to leave just yet...' "Hey, Aine." I hear Axel's voice. I close my journal that I've been writing in. I've learned to keep one while I'm here to write down every important moment possible. "What's up, Axel?" I ask, adjusting myself properly on the bed. "Nothing much really. What about you?" he repeats the question. "Eh, just writing my thoughts down." I respond, whilst tapping the pen on the journal's hard cover. "I see. You're still wondering how to get back to your world, aren't you?" he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Mm." I mutter quietly. "Hm, I know. Why not, y'know, stay here?" he inquires, with a hint of excitement. I glance to Axel in shock, whilst dropping the pen from my hand. Did I hear him right? Does that mean he wants me to stay? I notice a slight blush from the side of his cheek before fading. "'Cause y'know, you're a good fighter." he adds. I see, he only wants me here because I'm quite useful at the moment, or so he says. "Is that an excuse? Maybe you really want me here for another reason?" I tease. "Heh, and why would I want that?" he smirks in response. "Beats me. You're the one that wants me here." I shrug, teasing once more. He just sits there, folding his arms across his chest, looking away from me, like he's embarrassed. He's not even gonna say anything, his reaction is so cute. I giggle to myself at the sight before me. At any rate, I am glad being here and I wish I could stay, but it was then that I didn't know anything at all for what was to soon show up. There was just a feeling I couldn't shake. A feeling that there was something ominous going on behind the scenes.


"Have you heard anything about our guests?" Zemnas asks Saïx. "Nothing. They seem unaware of the situation at hand." he informs. "Good." Zemnas clenches his fist and brings it closer to him. "Then they won't be able to get in our way, not that it's likely they would." he adds, dropping his fist back down to his side. "If I may ask, my Lord. What is our mission at collecting these hearts?" Saïx questions. "You all want to find a reason worth living, don't you? With the collection of hearts for Kingdom Hearts, you'll be able to feel again, be able to live again, but we have traitors in our mist who do want to cease from the organization. I trust you know who I'm talking about." Zemnas explains. A stoic-ness takes place on Saïx's face. "I do. I will inform the others." he says before leaving the court room. Once gone, Zemnas reveals his true plan to himself. 'Those fools. Working so hard in my presence. They don't even realize the true complexity of my plan. It's a pity. My loyal followers being eliminated, but why must I dirty my hands when they can do it for me? It's perfect. Then I will keep the hearts for myself and thus take over the world in darkness. But wait! Those three...our welcomed guests, they're not from here. They're from that world...the real world. If I'm unstoppable in this world, imagine what I'll really be like in that world. This will be too easy.' chuckling an ominous laughter.

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