Dining at Taco Bell

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Once we got done filming and talking about what we're going to do next week, we stayed in the library a little bit longer. "So, Axel. Thanks for watching us do our thing, man. What do you think?" asks Saaya. This should be interesting. I'd like to know that answer myself actually. We all look to Axel, whom shifts in his seat. "I think you all did a wonderful job. I guess this is what it means to have friends." he answers. Friends. Did he have none? Sure he did. He had Roxas and Xion. Unless, this was the time where they all fought and are avoiding each other. Let's find out shall we? "You have friends. What about Roxas and Xion? Don't you three normally eat Sea-salt ice cream together and goof off?" I question. He begins fidgeting in his spot, instead of just shifting around. Is he nervous? Did something happen? "Yeah, but, you know." he says. I roll my eyes. Typical. "No, but let me take a guess anyway. The time you made your way to my room, was the time Xion found out that she is just a puppet and tried to escape to Castle Oblivion. Even though you wouldn't let her, you still did. Roxas found out that you knew about what Xion was and tried to get some answers, but you wouldn't budge. So he left on his own too, searching for answers. Am I right?" I further explain. He puts a hand behind his head. "Yeah." he says. I shake my head. Poor Ax. "That was such a sad moment though!" Saaya exclaims. I nod my head. "Wait, do you all know?" he asks. "There's more than just one copy of that video game, Axel. So yes, we all know the story." I say nonchalantly. "Well anyway, let's forget this sad moment and go eat somewhere because I'm starved. This should be a fun day, not depressing!" Emiri exclaims. We all nod our heads and get up to walk out except for Axel. As Saaya and Emiri get ahead out of the room, I walk to Axel. "C'mon." I say taking my hand out. "They're waiting." He just looks up at me and stands up without taking my hand. I put my hand down. "Alright, let's go." I say, whilst turning for the exit. We walk out of the study room and catch up to Emiri and Saaya, who were waiting for us at the main doors. We then push forward and walk to Emiri's car. Because her car is that of a coupe styled car, I sat in the front passenger seat, while Saaya took behind Emiri and Axel took behind me. Although, we dropped off Saaya to her truck because she said she couldn't stay to eat with us because of other priorities to be done at home. Saddened, we nod and Emiri gets out of her seat to let Saaya off. We say our goodbyes and Emiri gets back in the vehicle and we make our way to Taco Bell. If I didn't know any better, I'd say Mexican food is her absolute favorite. I like it too, but not as much. It depends on what I'm craving for. Mostly chicken. Chicken is my favorite food. I wouldn't know of Axel's though because he only eats ice cream. I roll my eyes to the thought. He is living in the real world now, he needs to know how to properly eat actual food before dessert. 10 minutes later, we arrive at Taco Bell. We all exit the vehicle and make our way inside. "Hello, what can I do for you today?" the cashier greets. Emiri orders her usual burrito with extra guacamole and pays for hers. I order two of the spicy tostadas and pay for ours. One for me and one for Axel because I doubt he knows what's good here. Afterwards, we take our trays full of food and grab a seat in the back booth. I sit on the inside, Axel sits beside me on the outer and Emiri sits in front of us. Because Axel's not that much of a talker, Emiri and I just talk about the usual. The usual including daily life activities and our fixations on our favorite characters. Of course, I can't talk about mine because he's sitting next to me. Emiri just looks at me, then to him, then back to me, then back to him again. "Yes, he's real. If that's what you're trying to get at." I say. She shrugs her shoulders. "It's just this feels so weird. How did he manage to get here again?" she asks. I explain to her that after my parents left to go to the landfill yesterday, there seemed to be a shadowy figure that seemed to take over the middle of my bedroom floor. The figure then formed to be Axel. She nods her head nonchalantly. "Mm, okay." she says. "Mhm." I respond. "So how did he get here in the first place and how will he get back?" she further pries. "That, we don't know. That's what we're trying to figure out." I say. "And how do your parents feel about this?" she asks. I look over to Axel, whom just sat there eating his tostada. "My dad doesn't really believe in it, but is playing along with the idea and my mom kept interrogating him earlier this morning." I explain. This morning. I had forgotten why I was mad at him, then I just remembered. Instead of slouching in my seat, I positioned myself straight up for good posture. If I were to make THE Axel fall in love with me, I need to work hard in everything that I do and make sure I seem sexy at all times.

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