The Power of The Keyblade

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Where would we be able to find Axel? It's not like we could automatically travel to The World That Never Was, where all the Nobodies were grouped at. Well, Organization XIII, but they were Nobodies. Nobodies are a special group, unlike Heartless, who show no sign of soul and heart. They're just empty shells of who they once were. Let's see... Knowing that the Sea-salt ice cream trio usually hangout at the clock tower, we could wait for Axel's arrival. I turn to the newly animated friends of mine. "What do you girls think? Should we look for Axel?" I ask them. Saaya and Emiri both look to each other, then back at me, nodding their heads. "But where should we look?" Emiri asks. Saaya and I are the ones to exchange glances this time. "Do you think..?" I start to ask Saaya. "We could go there and wait." she responds. "Yeah! That's totally what I was thinking just now too!" I exclaim, raising my hand to give a high five. "Uhm, girls??" Emiri asks, confused. Saaya and I put our hands behind our heads. "Haha, sorry!" I tell Emiri. "Saaya and I were thinking that we should make our way to the clock tower just ahead and maybe we'll find Axel there." I explain to our friend. Emiri didn't know much of Kingdom Hearts, except for the theme song 'Simple and Clean' by Utada Hikaru and a few of the characters, that I have introduced her to in the past. Maybe experiencing the work of the game, hands on, is just what she needs to learn about it. "Oh okay!" she says, nodding her head in approval. "Alright! Let's go!" I shout. My friends and I enter Twilight town and make our way to the clock tower. "Now, how exactly do we get up there?" Saaya asks. Hmm. I walk in through the doors of the train station, at the bottom of the tower. I check for a flight of stairs somewhere... Ahah! There, to the right! I go back out through the doorway. The peaceful area that I left both friends to wait at, is now covered with a few Heartless. Saaya and Emiri were surrounded by Shadows. "Really? I go in the train station for a few seconds and come back to see you girls in trouble already?" I complain. "You know, we could do less with the thrashing comments and more of the destroying Heartless with the keyblade you've got there!" Saaya shouts out to me, whilst defending her and Emiri. Saaya can keep hitting the Shadow creatures as much as she wants, but they'll just keep coming back. The only weapon that can free their hearts is the keyblade and I just so happen to be wielding one. "Emiri! Use your magic to stun them with thunder!" I call out to her. "Okay!" she hollers as she raises her wand. I then take a giant leap forward in the air and come crashing down in the middle of them, slicing and dicing each Shadow Heartless, with a motion of the keyblade. One by one, the Heartless disperse into thin air, freeing the hearts that had been detained. "Wooo! You did it!" Saaya cheers. "Way to go, Aine!" Emiri shouts for joy. Wow. I just got rid of Heartless. Not by a game controller, but as a real person, holding the power of a keyblade. I feel good about myself. I feel accomplished. "Okay, so where to next?" Emiri asks, looking over to me. "Oh yeah! I forgot! The reason why I went into the train station is because I was searching for stairs to climb to the top. And whatdya know? I became successful!" I exclaim, while grinning and holding out two fingers for 'victory'. "C'mon! I'll show you!" I yell, making my way back in the train station. The gang follows me and we make our way up the flight of stairs, coming in contact with the top of the clock tower.

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