A Whole New World

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We all stood there, gazing blankly into the large hole created in the middle of the room. "Well..? What do you guys think?" I ask them. What would anyone normally think when looking at a random hole of darkness? "Hm. Well, it's a hole." Saaya states. Emiri and I turn to look at our friend. "Yes. We can see that, but where did it come from?" I ask again. "Maybe Axel's in the hole." Emiri says, answering her question from earlier. I shrug my shoulders. If he is, should we go after him? It's too dangerous. And what if he doesn't want to see me? I don't regret kissing him though. I can say that. Then it hits me. "Hey guys, do you think it's possible that my kiss could've sent him back to his world?" I ask in theory. I mean, it could've been possible. Nothing else seems to be a logical explanation. Saaya and Emiri both shrug their shoulders. "There's only one way to find out." Emiri says. "And how's that?" I ask. "By jumping in." she answers. "Wait a minute though. What if we get lost? What if something happens and we can't get back to our world?" I ask, getting worried. "Then I guess we'll just have to take that chance and risk it." Saaya says. I nod my head. I guess we sort of have to. At least to find out where this hole came from. We all take each other's hands. "In one.." I start. "Two.." Emiri says. "Three!" Saaya says last, whilst jumping into the unknown. We fall fast into nothingness. We were just falling and falling, without knowing if there was a bottom. "Where are we going??" I question. "I don't know, but is there even an end to this??" Emiri shouts. Everything around us were pitch black. There were no light anywhere. A moment later, we find ourselves reaching the end of the tunnel. "There! Ahead!" I exclaim. There was light! It wasn't long till we made it out and land on what seemed to be the ground. Oof! Our landing didn't seem very soft. I opened my eyes slowly. When I opened them, I couldn't believe where we were. "Uhm...guys..? I don't think we're in Kansas anymore." I say, making a reference to 'The Wizard of Oz'. I stand up and take a good look in front of me. The landscape looked different. And by different, I mean it looked to be colorful, just like...a video game world. Not only that, I knew where we have landed. We were in Twilight town. The world Axel lives in. Across from us is the clock tower. That's where Axel, Roxas, and Xion go to eat Sea-salt ice cream after they have completed their missions. Wait a minute. We were in Axel's dimension. Wait a minute... I bring my attention to Saaya and Emiri, whom had brought themselves to stand upright. They look different. I look down at myself. I look different. We all don't possess our real world forms anymore. We were now taking the appearance of video game characters. Saaya took the appearance of a character wielding two katana blades, held by straps on her back. She wore a blue headband under her bangs, around her forehead, a medium green cropped top, cameo jeggings, and a pair of army boots. She looked as if she were prepared for battle. I switched my glance to Emiri, whom wore a fitted, pink, silk dress that went down to her knees. Around her waist, she sported a black leather belt and wore black flats, which had little bows at the end of the shoes. Her weapon of choice seemed to look that of a magic wand. Of course. If I know Kingdom Hearts like I think I do, they like to make the heroines be a group of three. The normal group would consist of strength, defense, and magic. Emiri's main power would obviously be magic. Saaya looked to be perfect in doing some defensive skills. That would put me as strength. Speaking of me, I haven't noticed what I am wearing. I wore a mini red kimono. It wasn't long as what real ones would have looked like. Like the slip on I wore in the real world, it came down to my midthighs. There were purple trimmings around the edges and a bow wrapped around my waistline, sitting at my back. My shoes were black, stiletto heel boots. What surprised me more was my weapon of choice. I am wielding a keyblade, of all weapons. The keychain at the end of the handle were ruby-red hearts. They were just hanging there, dangling. Meaning we all have weapons, I know that something is bound to happen in this world. I just need to find Axel and fast. I'm glad that he's back in his world, but the only problem now is that we need to get back to our world.

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