The Sleepover

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After we ate, we set the dishes aside and just relaxed upon my bed. We talked, well I talked and he just listened. I tried to get him to talk some more, but he just won't budge and I don't understand why. I told him things about me. I told him about school. I told him everything there was to know, that way he wouldn't feel awkward around me. But this...this is still awkward. He sat there, beside me, on my bed with his back to the wall and his arms crossed. Even though I know him, I still want to know him. I only know of what's on the surface. I don't know of what's underneath. Why he seems the way he is, how he got into the Organization, and the fact about, oh yeah, how he came to life and is in my room as of right now. "So. If you know me, then who do I work for?" he questions. That was easy. "Lord Xemnas." I reply. "Very good. Oh yeah? What's my somebody's name?" he quizzes. "Lea." I tell him. "Okay, smart one. Who's my best friend?" he let's out. I think of this one. I'm kind of not sure. As of right now, it's Roxas. But if he's asking about his past, it's Isa. Speaking of which, what even happened between them? "I'm waiting, or are you at a loss for words?" he says taunting me. I turn to face him, eye to eye. "Roxas." I say. "Very good. I'm surprised. I didn't think someone I've just come to meet would know so much." he states. Well I mean I love you, but there's no way I'm saying that, right? "Well if I know you so much, you should know more about me." I proclaim. "You already told me everything there is to know, did you not?" he questions. "I did, but that's not what I mean. How about spending the day with me tomorrow at my school?" I ask. His face turns pale. "School? I don't need to go to school." he quickly states. "No doofus, not for you, for me. All you do is just have to come along with me and spend the day with me, getting to know me." I further explain. I think it's fair. He says I know a lot about him, which I do, this would be a chance to learn about me rather than just me telling him, AND if all goes well, he might open up deeper to me. Good thinking, Aine! "Alright, I'm game." he says. "Good! So Axel...just how old are you?" I ask. He shouldn't be too much older than me. I at least hope not. That would be a surprise. "I am 24." he answers. 24? He's 24? He's six years older than I am? I'm 18 and he's 24. Not that I'm complaining, I just feel somewhat...deceived. "I'm 18." I tell him. Axel's expression just seems to be nonchalant. Well, I guess he's not that surprised. Do I seem that young? Does he think of me as a little kid compared to him?? I would so hate that! 'I don't date little girls.' is what I'm frightened of. Girl, get a grip of yourself. I barely know him. I can't think about dating him already. Even though, I do know him. He just doesn't know me, but I'm hoping tomorrow, he will learn more about me just a little and the things I do. Oo, and tomorrow's Friday! It's perfect because then I can introduce him to my two loyal friends, Saaya and Emiri. Every Friday, I hangout with both friends and we film for this site called YouTube. We do funny stunts, challenges and tags, but more or less, it was just an excuse to always see each other. They both know about my feelings for Axel. They would freak when I tell them. I can't wait for tomorrow. How would I tell them? Would they believe me? They have to, right? The existing character would be right in front of their eyes. I sit there on the bed, pondering if things were to go well. I take a glance at the clock on the wall. It read: 10:00pm. For just sitting here and talking the hours away, I felt exhausted. "I guess we should get ready for bed." I tell Axel. He looks to me. "Where am I gonna sleep?" he asks. That is a very good question. My parents said that he was my responsibility, so that means he should share the same room as me too. Which is fine and all good, but where was he gonna sleep? My bed is big enough for two, but guy and girl in same bed? That could be disastrous. I kind of don't want him to sleep on the floor though. He is the guest. Ugh, fine. He can sleep with me on the bed. "You're sleeping on the bed with me, so pick a side. The wall or the edge?" I ask. He ponders on the question. "The wall." he answers. "Good because the edge, is mine." I say, whilst smirking. With that, we position ourselves in our spots, with layers of pillows between us, just incase.

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