Virtual vs. Reality

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"Ugh! Why can't Axel be real?? Everything would just become interesting with him around!" I scream into the dark abyss of my room before I fall fast asleep. The next morning, I was awoken by my mom notifying me that her and dad were about to drive to the local landfill. I assumed it was 'garbage day'. A day where they leave me alone for at least an hour, only once each month. "Aine! We're leaving!" my mom calls out. I get up from my bed and trudge behind my mom and dad, walking them out to the car. "Make sure you lock the door. No going out of the house." they tell me at the last minute. Don't they think I know that by now. Hello? I'm 20 years old. I got this. "Alright, we're leaving!" my dad exclaims. "Okay! Bye! Have a safe trip!" I wave goodbye and turn to walk back in the house, closing the door behind me. I walk back to my bedroom. Eeeep! What is that?? Who is that?? What is happening? I stand there, frozen, watching a shadowy figure form in front of me. Finally, the transformation was complete. The tall figure stood beside my bed. Their back was facing me, so I couldn't make out what face it had, or the fact if it looked to be human. All I notice is that he had a long, black coat on and red spiky hair beaming at the top of its' head. The appearance feels all too familiar to me. Wait? Could it be? Is it possible? Hmm... The figure draped in the coat turned to find me standing at the doorway. Oh. My. Gosh. It is. But how?? I suddenly feel the need for oxygen because I cannot...I am not capable of breathing right now. The figure that stood before me was Axel, in the flesh. I stand my ground, looking at him. He stands there, returning the gaze. Oh, those emerald-green eyes. How I longed for those eyes. Those purple markings that I had always wondered about, were now so close to my face. Instead of gazing at a 2D form, I was now gazing at a human, such as myself. He seemed so life like. It's crazy. This is crazy! After a long period of just staring at one another, Axel starts to speak. "Helloooo! The name's Axel. Got it memorized?" he said whilst pointing a finger to his temple. Oh my. I know this line. I've heard this line. A million times. But instead of watching him on the T.V. screen, I get to watch him do his spill in reality! "Oh, yeaaaah." my words were slurring now. I can't take this. "Goooood." he starts. Great, he's slurring too. "Now that we both know each other..." "Don't you go off and die on me now." I finish for him. He was in the middle of drawing his 'oh so famous' weapons, but dropped his arms, holding a confused look. "Hey, what gives? How did you know what I was going to say?" he asks. Should I tell him? Someone has to. I decide I should. But how should I? Should I just straight up get to the point? Or should I make him think about it? "You see, Axel, have you noticed to look where you are?" I ask him. He takes a glance at the room around him. "Good point, where am I?" he asks whilst scratching the back of his head. "I thought I was to be at Castle Oblivion.." "Oh, we are nowhere near a castle in sight. Axel, welcome to my humble abode." I say stretching my arms out to my sides. "Oh! By the way, you probably wouldn't know who I am. My name's Aine. Nice to meet you." I put my hand out for him to shake. He looks down upon it and resists. "Yeah... so I don't suppose you know how I can get back, do you?" he asks. That, I can't seem to figure out. I don't know how he got here and I don't know why he got here, in the first place. His life exists in that of a video game, not in the real world. He probably thinks that this is just another world he can go in and out from. It's not that simple, though. " I don't, sorry. I can tell you this, though. You, Axel, came here from a virtual world. A video game, in fact. Where someone had to create you for you to be existent, well, non-existent I guess for you Nobodies. Me, on the other hand, live here, in reality." I further explain. "Wait, how do you know about us Nobodies?" he asks, holding his head in confusion. "Have you not been listening to what I just said? You are from a video game, in which I play, so I know everything about you." I explain once more. He contemplates the idea of it. Really? Is it that so hard to understand. Fine then. I walk more inside the room and nudge past him, aiming for my playstation on the bedside table. I press the on button. A few seconds later, I load my game up from Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories and pause the screen when Axel comes up. "Look. This is you." I say pointing to the screen. "I know what you are because I've played this game like hundreds of times. You are number eight, the Flurry of Dancing Flames, Axel. And trust me, I got it memorized." I mock him by pointing a finger up to my temple, whilst smirking. "Okay, smartass. Now tell me, if I belong in a virtual world, then how can I get back?" he asks. "That's something we're just gonna have to figure out." I say shrugging my shoulders. "Until then, you're welcome to stay here if you'd like." I suggest whilst powering my game console off. "I guess." he shruggs. "Look, go take a shower, and I'll dig out some clothes that you can borrow from my dad." Speaking of which, I'm gonna need to tell them that I have a visitor... Just when, my phone rings, notifying me that it was dad. "Hello?" I say into the phone, whilst shooing Axel out of my room by waving my hand. "Hey, we're on the way home." he responds. Oh great. How lovely. I can't wait.

Reality vs. Virtual [An Axel Fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now