Interrogations and Introductions

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After getting ready and avoiding Axel, my mom drives him and I to school. I sit in the front beside mom, while Axel takes the back. I put the visor down and open the mirror. Pretending to check my makeup, I eye Axel in the back. Okay, I'm mad at him. He had no right to say what he had said, but I feel guilty for some reason. Why? I'm not sure. He always has that look on his face. When he's not being arrogant, his expression looks saddened. I shouldn't be the one to feel guilty though. It's his fault. He has yet to apologize. I close the mirror and shut the visor. "Sooo..? Axel is it? How did you come to know Aine?" she asks. I turn to face her, giving her the 'are you really asking that when I told you?' look. I open the visor again and lift the mirror, trying to read the expressions he'll make. His eyes shifts towards my direction, unknowing what to say, so I answer for him. "Mom. I told you already. Axel comes from a different dimension. He's a video game character. For whatever reason, he appeared in my room when you and dad left for the landfill. Now, I'm helping him try to get back. Anymore questions?" I ask her. Why do I feel like I need to always repeat myself to people? "Oh yeah! I forgot, um, which was it...Kingdom Hearts, right?" she pries further. "That's correct." Axel answers. On the way to school, mom still decides to interrogate him with questions, even the ones she already knows. I know she cares, but really? I swear she asked the first question twice already. "Okay! Well, I'm sure you have more questions for him to answer, but they'll have to wait." I say, unhooking my seatbelt and opening the door, as my mom pulls up to the drop-off lane. "Come on, Axel. We wouldn't want to be late." I say, opening his door. "Bye Mom! Don't forget, I'm riding home with Emiri today and yes, Axel will be coming too." I close the door and wave goodbye to her and watch as she leaves. Alright! We're here. This should be interesting. I turn to Axel. "Okay, so because you're here with me, I'm gonna be forced to have to talk to you. Now, I'm sorry for my mom's interrogations. She can be such a worry wart." I tell him. "Don't worry about it. It's fine." he says. "And..I'm sorry if I said some things unnecessary earlier." he further explains. Awh, he apologized. Doesn't mean I won't be sticking to my plan. "Oh. You did. But, don't worry about it. Anyway, we should head to class, so follow me." I say, grabbing onto his arm. His arm though. It was actually masculine. Who knew? Were these the arms that held me tight? I kind of want to grip them tighter. I want him to hold me again. No! Quit it, Aine! This is the same guy who rudely said I had no figure. No! Even though I am madly in love with him, I need to find a way for him to fall in love with me. We arrived at my class and I showed him where I sat, which wasn't far. My seat is at the very back row and closest to the door. More appropriate for escaping. I couldn't even think of today's lecture. I was too brought up by the red head beside me. 50 minutes later, class is now over and I can finally look forward to the rest of the day. I look at Axel. "C'mon. Now it's time to meet some people." I tell him. He nods and stands up from his seat and follows me out of the room. I grab onto his arm again. His sexy, masculine arm. No, no, no! This is forbidden! I quickly push past through the crowd of people, making sure I had Axel with me. A moment later, we make it to the library. I turn to face Axel. "Okay, so we're going in the library to meet some people. These people are my friends, please act appropriately." I forewarn him and with that, he just nods. I open the door and we waltz right in. I notice Saaya and Emiri just standing 10 feet away from us. We walk over to them. "Hey guys!" I shout. As we seem to be approaching closer, I can tell their eyes are widened and are withholding lots of questions. Before they have any chance to ask, I go ahead and introduce everyone. "Saaya, Emiri, this is my friend Axel." I say pointing to him. "Axel, these are my friends Saaya and Emiri." I say pointing to the two figures standing across from us, who now have their mouths dropped.

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