The First Morning

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I take a gander at the clock. It read: 3:00am. I can't sleep. I can't sleep knowing Axel's body is within a good three inches from me. I can barely feel the warmth off his back. It's killing me. It's killing me because I really want to hug him. I softly switch sides to position myself properly, facing his back without waking him. Axel has a broad back. Do all guys have wide backs? Not that I would know. I really want to touch it. I reach over the pillows and gently poke the middle of his back. He stiffened from that one tiny poke. I can't do this! I should really get some sleep. I close my eyes, in hoping that I will fall back asleep and it will be the right moment for us to awaken. Moments later, I open my eyes and find myself being held in Axel's arms. What happened to the fort? Eeep. His arm was around me, touching my back. My head was nuzzled right under his. His spiky hair was prickling against my cheek. It didn't hurt, but I sort of liked it. I should probably get up now though, so I can change clothes and get ready for school. How am I gonna do that with his arm wrapped around me? I don't want to leave. Suddenly, Axel rolls flat on his back, moving his arm off me. Okay, good. That works too. I lift myself up, sitting on the bed. I glance over at Axel. The shirt he wore is buttoned down from the top. It must've got loose when he was sleeping. His chest is being shown slightly. It looks so sexy. I can't. Control. Myself. I must touch it. I slowly move my hand to his chest, wanting to feel his bare skin, until, my dad knocks on my bedroom door and I quickly reel my hand back to myself. "Yeah?" I ask. The door swings open. "Aine, it's time to wake up now. Time to get ready." he says. I sit upon my bed, staring at him dumbfounded. Can he really not see that I am awake? Like really? "Thanks, Dad." I say, showing half a smile. He nods and turns to walk away, leaving my door open. Leaving Axel laying upon my bed, I jump up and walk towards my closet. What should I wear today? It should be cute. It should be sexy. It should also be casual. I open my closet and look inside. I decide to grab my Markiplier shirt that Emiri had bought for me for my birthday. It was in men's wear, but because I had a good size bust on my chest, it made the shirt fit around my shape, showing my curves. Because the shirt likes to ride up my stomach, I decide to wear high waisted pants in red. The red brings out the M on the shirt. For shoes, I just slip on black sneakers. I don't think I need any kind of accessory for this outfit. Axel is still asleep, so no one should mind if I change in front of him, right? I get done slipping on my clothes and turn around. What I see in front of me, is Axel on the bed, but is not sleeping, yet awake. Why is he not sleeping? He was in a sitting position. His emerald-green eyes were gazing at me from a distance. And I thought this couldn't get anymore awkward, but it has. "Uhmmm...did you?" I mutter in a low voice. He lifts a hand behind his head and hesitates, as if thinking about his response. "...yes." he answers. Great. My life is over. I can't take this humiliation. "Yep. Thought so." I mutter. "But hey, there's nothing to be embarrassed about. I mean, you have nothing to show." he states calmly, in all seriousness. Are you KIDDING ME?? What does he mean I shouldn't be embarrassed? What does he know I have nothing to show? I feel my veins throbbing within me. "Are you kidding me? I'll have you know that my body is in great shape and I work out everyday. Mark my words, Axel. You will take back what you've said. I promise you that." I exclaim, showing off the middle finger at him. The nerve. He's the one whom was glomped over me like no tomorrow when I awoke. Ugh. I walk to my side of the bed and grab my makeup kit and handbag. I spin around and head off to the kitchen to prepare my hair and makeup because I cannot stand being in the same room with him, as of this moment. Yeah? Well he better be prepared. My name is Aine Luna Habashi and I will, under any circumstances, make Axel fall in love with me.

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