Bad Premonition

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I woke up feeling strange as if there was a chill in the air. Something's not right I thought. I quickly got myself ready and met up with the girls.

I saw Saaya sitting with Demyx along with Emiri, Zexion and Axel. Axel looked up from his seat asking, "Hey, you okay?" I shake my head saying, "No, something's not right." Axel sits back and ponders my statement a bit. He looks around saying, "Now that you mention it, there is a chill in the air."

The rest of us soon got the same feeling and agreed that something isn't right. "What do you think is going on?" Demyx asks, cuddling up to Saaya. Before I could say anything, A blonde headed woman suddenly enters the room.

Larxene, the twelfth member of Organization XIII, aka, The Savage Nymph. She chuckles as she moves towards us. I always get an uneasy feeling about her. I wasn't afraid of her, I just didn't trust her, not even from the start. Axel got up from his seat saying, "What do you want?" Larxene walks closer to Axel. She does a little twirl, spinning herself like a ballerina. She lightly touches Axel's shoulder while asking, "What's the matter? Got a cold shoulder?" She finished off in an ominous tone.

I couldn't take my sight off of her. I was watching her interaction to Axel as if I was watching their dialogue exchange when I played Kingdom Hearts. Except this wasn't happening just on screen, this was happening right in front of me.

Axel takes regard of Larxene's question seriously, thinking of what she could have meant. Looking back over towards my direction, she curves the ends of her lips up to a smirk. "So whatcha all talkin' about? Well, not that it really matters. Not for long anyway." she questions with a snarky attitude. Crossing my arms in response, I ask "And just what do you mean by 'Not for long anyway.'?" "Heh heh, oops! Looks like I've said too much. You'll just have to wait and find out for yourself. But don't worry, it'll all be done with shortly." she answers in a way that leaves you with a sour mood. Larxene turns away from us, lifting her hand in the air to wave goodbye, leaving us on our own.

"Okay, does anyone know what that was about?" Emiri questions with concern. I roll my eyes, shaking my head in response. "I don't know, but I feel like something's definitely going on." I answer.

Axel was still standing there thinking about what Larxene had said. "Hey!" Demyx calls out, breaking Axel from his thoughts. "Why don't we go to Twilight town? Y'know? Just relax?" "Yes! That sounds most triumphant!" Saaya squeals with excitement. Axel just nods his head and opens up a portal to Twilight town.

Stepping a foot onto the other side of the portal, I instantly notice that there were no people walking around, no birds, no dogs, no anything... I felt an arm wrap around my waist. I look to only see it was Axel. "Stay close to me." He says sternly. My heart almost jumped out of me. I was hoping he didn't see me blush at his sudden movement. All of us were alert. It was eerily quiet. Only the wind was blowing.

There was something off in the distance. It was the ice cream stand! Axel loosens his hold on me as we all walked over to the stand.

The ice cream man took our orders and handed us the ice cream, but as he did, he didn't say anything nor did he say a word. Once he was done he quickly strolls off to the next location. "Um should we even trust this ice cream?" Emiri questions looking down at hers. I look over to see Demyx first being to unwrap the ice cream. "Tastes fine to me!" Demyx exclaims cheerfully. Saaya just palms her face in response . "Well, shall we go to the clock tower?" Zexion asks as he places his arm around Emiri's shoulder.

We all went up to the clock tower enjoying the view and the sea salt ice cream. Emiri and Zexion sat together on the edge along with Saaya and Demyx. I soon sat down as well, Axel moving to sit beside me. "Betcha can't guess why the sun sets red." "Ooh geez, here we go again with the sun!" Demyx whines. Emiri then poofs up a piece of duct tape to cover his mouth. Saaya rips off the tape from Demyx's mouth with not a moment too soon. "Ooooouch!!!" "Shush, you big baby!" Saaya teases. We all laughed at the whole ordeal.

As we finish laughing, I felt a hand cover the top of mine. I turn my gaze to Axel. He looks down then back up to me. I was in shock, was this really happening!? Did he maybe recover a glimpse of his memories somehow from being in our world?? "Y'know, you have cute hands." Axel says leaning in closer to me. Within an instant, a blush burns across my face, leaving my mind blank. Axel soon clasps my hand within his. I look into his emerald green eyes as he gazes into mine.

Until there was a sudden loud noise. A noise so loud you had to cover your ears. I looked up only to see that Twilight town was falling apart. The town was caving in on itself. As it did, I could see dark purple ooze coming up from the ground engulfing the town. "EVERYONE FOLLOW ME!" Alex yells out with haste. He grabs ahold of my hand once more making sure I was behind him. The dark ooze quickly traveled up to the clock tower. We all quickly follow Axel as he generates a portal to the castle making a narrow escape.

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