World Adventure #2

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"Neverland? Like the Peter Pan story? That Neverland? Why would they go there?" I ask. "Well...uh...he.." Axel hesitates. I raise my eyebrow and give him a real hard look. "Yeah?" I question. He stands from the bed and drops his arms. "Okay, so maybe I need to go there." he answers. My mouth drops in astonishment. Like him, I get up as well. "Oh okay. So you lose your memories and then you use me for your own todo list. I see how it is." I tease, whilst folding my arms. He lets out a chuckle. " do have that." he states, as he points to my keyblade. "Yeah, that I don't even know how I got in the first place." I respond. "Well it chose you, so we might as well put it to good use." he comments. This was true. I might as well help him out as thanks for helping me out. Plus, this is my contract for letting me stay here from Lord whatshisface. I nod in agreement. "Okay, let's go then." I tell him. He nods and draws the portal to take us to Neverland. Once on the other side, I notice that we've arrived at the top of the clock tower in this world. Big Ben I guess they would call it. This world looked exactly like how I imagined it, how I've seen it on screen back home. Home...I wish I could get home. The thought kind of saddens me as I realize I'll be leaving Axel behind...hmm...jeez, I wonder how many times I've said that before. I chuckle at the idea, before Axel turns to me. "What?" he asks. I nod my head. "Oh nothing, I'm good." I answer with a smile. Glancing toward the right of us, I notice movement in the distance. The clouds start to overcast and fog lets up to reveal a ship. A flying ship? the middle of nowhere? Were my eyes playing tricks on me? I take a glance over at Axel's direction. "What do you think is happening over there? And where'd that ship come from?" I inquire, pointing in the direction of the ship. "I was just about to ask you, but it seems to be steering its' way toward someone's home." he observes. I look back to the ship's path. It was headed straight for a house. "Shouldn't we do something about that??" I panic. "'s got nothing to do with us. We have a mission." he says. "Yeah! To look for Emiri and your friend! What if they're there?" I start to complain. It was obvious Axel wasn't budging. "Look, Zexion's with her so I'm sure they'll be safe. We need to rid of the Heartless first." he reassures, explaining the situation at hand. "How can you be so sure? Look, I'm going to go after them with or without you, so stay here if you want. I don't care anymore." I tell him, before running up to the edge and taking a leap into the air. I've played Kingdom Hearts before in this world so I am completely sure nothing will happen to me once I jump off the tower. ...I was wrong. How could I have been so stupid! I need Tinker Bell's fairy dust to fly! Well, I guess this is it. All my hopes and dreams vanishing to the thin air before me. As I plummet to my death, again, I think of what could've been and what never was throughout the short life I have tossed aside off a tower... I'll never make it home, I'll never see Emiri and Saaya again, I'll never get Axel to remember me... Tears strike down the cheeks of my face as sad thoughts come to play. Until, an orb with wings of glowing light flutter to my side, sprinkling a sparkling substance around me...wait, is it, fairy dust? My body begins to feel light, as if I've become one with just the air itself. 'Believe you can fly and you will' I hear a voice echo through my mind. Believe...I can fly? I have to believe in those words... I look down. It's no fun becoming a pancake... I believe I can fly, I believe I can fly, I believe....I can fly! I didn't think it would be possible, but I'm flying! I'm actually flying! I concentrate my whole being into this new feeling of being one with the wind. Oh yeah! I bet Axel will be surprised to find me alive. After all, I did just run off the edge of a skyscraper. I chuckle at the idea and start to float back to the top. Once making it back onto the ledge, I notice Axel walking towards a portal that he must've drawn up, thinking I was dead and leaving it at that. "Well, I guess time to get back home." I hear him say to himself. "What? Going home already? With our mission still incomplete? I never thought you to give up so easily." I tease, with a smirk. His head shoots up and turns his attention back to me. "Aine!" he comes running to me. "I thought you were gone. With how you just jumped off the building like that." he gasps. "Oh contraire. Don't you know by now? You can't get rid of me that easily." I reassure him. It doesn't show, but I know he was surely distracted by the way I had acted...even if he does say he doesn't have a heart. I snap out of my thoughts and remember what I was wanting to do to begin with. "Anyways, we need to go to that ship. I know that's where we'll find our missing link. I know I don't know for sure, but I can feel when my friends are in danger, can't you?" I simply ask. Axel doesn't say anything, instead just sets his sights on the ground before him. "Look, I heard a voice. Someone saved me....and if I'm correct, it's Peter Pan and Tinker Bell. You may not know them because it's not set in your path to know them, but what I've said is true. I'm not from this world, so please, help me?" I beg for his assistance. He lifts his hand to scratch the back of his head, like the way I've seen him do plenty of times when he ponders on making a decision. "Please...Axel." I repeat. His eyes look up to meet mine and lowers his arm. "Oh, alright. I'll go along with this plan, but remember, you still haveta help me in my conquest with the heartless." he reminds me. I just nod. "Thanks!" I tell him and with that, we were on our way! The only question in mind was: how would we get there? I'm the only one out of both of us who can fly at the moment. Would I have to carry him?!? Oh my, just the thought of holding my beloved Axel makes me quiver with excitement and anticipation. I can't shake this giddy feeling off. Ooo~~! "Well, should we go?" he questions, waking me from my thoughts. "Huh?...oh...yeah! Let's go! So you...uh.." I hesitate to ask how we should both get there. "Well, c'mon. This way." he leaves me and walks through a portal he's created once again. "Oh...uh...okay." my head sinks with disappointment as I follow him. I know I was making a big deal over it, but why do I feel so sad now? Coming out on the other side of the portal, I notice that we've already arrived on the deck of the ship. Taking notice of my surroundings, I hear noises and the clinking of metal...? It was almost too much of a blur for me to notice, but a boy in some sort of green cloth, was heading straight for a collision with Axel. "Watch out!" I exclaim. Too late. The boy, recognized as Peter Pan, was already laid upon the wooden deck on top of Axel. Realizing the gravity of the situation, I quickly help pull Peter up off of him. "Are you okay?" I ask him. "Speak for yourself..." Axel comments. I move my gaze from Peter to Axel, scanning their bodies for any injuries. None. "Well, I'm glad both of you are safe." I answer with relief. I turn back to Peter Pan. "I appreciate you saving me earlier with Tink's fairy dust, but could you please inform us, just what is going on around here?" I question with a little angst in my voice. "Hook. He's captured Wendy and I have to save her, but wait..." he pauses with a confused look. "Who are you guys and why are you here? Are you part of Cap'n Hook's lackeys?" he inquires. "No no, you've got it all wrong." I answer with haste. "Axel and I-we're not from here, but we have a feeling that our friends got captured as well. So we boarded the ship and decided to take a look around some." I finish. He ponders on what was just said for a moment or two before speaking again. Hopefully we can get him to help us. I look to Axel, who just stands there without any expression. Such a stoic man. "Alright!" Peter shouts, snapping me out of my thoughts, once yet again. I really need to stop daydreaming and get ahold on myself. "I've decided that I'll help you on your journey! We've both got missing people on the hand so we should work together as a team. I'm Peter Pan and this little flutter fly is Tinker Bell." he introduces themselves. "I'm Aine and this is Axel. Pleased to officially meet you." I introduce ourselves. After meeting our newly allies and explaining the situation. The reason why Peter had been thrown in our direction was that he had previously been in a swords fight with Hook's henchmen, he being sword-less of course. We begin to scour the deck to find any clues or whereabouts of where our friends might be located. We might be doing a better job if we were to split up. I really don't want to though. I don't want to be left alone, but I gotta find Emiri someway or another. Oh Emiri, hang in there. We're on our way.

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