A No Means Yes

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Great. My dad's on the way home. This should be fun. I hear the water turn on in the bathroom. Axel must be just now getting in the shower. Okay. Good. Great. Terrific. "Okay! See you!" I yell into the phone to my dad and hang up. I quickly jump off my bed and dash into my parents bedroom. I open my dad's closet and decipher through his clothes. What could Axel wear? I mean, this is my chance to dress him how I want to. Hmm... Plaid? Would that look good on him? Yes. I grab what looks to be a red plaid shirt, a pair of skinny jeans, and some old pair of black sneaks. I then close the closet and leave their room, turning to the bathroom. I go in and place the outfit by the shower. "Here you go, Axel. I picked out an outfit for you. My parents are on the way home, so please, do make yourself decent." I tell him. The water then shuts off. Is he done? Already? He then pushes the curtain open and I take that as my cue to turn and leave. Curiosity gets the best of me, so I turn my head to get a peek in of his hair. I wondered if it would still peak off his head like that. Or will gravity win, yet again? Nope. His spikes were still perky as ever. He catches me taking a glimpse. "Well, you can stay if you want, but I have to warn you, you may like what you see." he says smirking. "Cha right! Who would?" I quiz, snapping my head back around and leave the bathroom. I return back in my room, cheeks red. I sit on my bed. Yeah, right? Who would fall for him? Even if it is true?? I'm not letting him know that. No way. I peek outside my window and see mom's car pull up. I leave my room and dash to the main door. "Hurry up!" I call out to Axel. I open the door and run to my parents. "Hey! Whatcha guys doing back so early??" I quiz. They were back early. It's only been forty minutes. "Who's early? We get back at this time everytime." mom says. I roll my eyes. "Suure, you do." I say hinting that I know that she sped through the back way. "Woah woah woah! Why in a hurry, dad?" I block him off of the steps. "What's with you? I need to get inside." he says. This was not going well. My 'stalling' was ending in ultimate failure. I guess I just need to tell them. "Hey, so listen. Would it be alright if one of my friends stayed with us for awhile?" I nervously question them. My dad looks to my mom and she nods. "I guess, why?" she asks. "Oh, just wondering. Haha." I say, grinning slightly. I turn and rush back in the house and head to my room. I plop myself on the bed. This, should be interesting. Axel comes out from the bathroom and walks into my room, now in dad's clothes. "Hey, you look nice!" I applaud him. He always wore the cloak in the video games. I kind of want to see what he would look like in normal clothes. He. Looked. Handsome. Then, my mind shifts to thoughts of my parents being home, as they come in the house. I wonder what reactions they would have. I wait for them to cross the hallway. I listen for the sound of their footsteps. They are so slow. They were still standing in the kitchen. I glance at Axel who just looks at me in a strange way. I shrug my shoulders and grin. I then hear some shuffling towards the hallway. Oh gosh. Here they come and...here they are. They stop at my doorway. I peer behind Axel, trying to find my parents' expression. They look surprised and...angry. "Aine!! Who is that?" my mom yells pointing to Axel. "Who are you??" my dad hollers. Axel turns around. "And why is he wearing my clothes?!" he exclaims looking him up and down. "Helloooo! My name's Axel." he says. I put my head in my hand. Dear God, is that the only greeting he knows?? "Mom, Dad. Meet my friend. He's going to be staying with us for awhile." I proclaim. Their faces scrunch up. "Can I talk to you in your room?" I ask. They nod. I get off from the bed and push past Axel, leaving him in my room. I nudge my parents in their room and close the door. "Okay. So, I don't know how he got here." I say. "And he can leave here." my dad interrupts. "He has nowhere to go! He's not even real." I think for a moment. "Okay, he's real, but he's not supposed to be." I explain further whilst throwing up my hands. "You know the video game character I'm like majorly obsessed with?" I whisper just incase Axel stood, eavesdropping by the door. There was no way I'm letting Axel know that I was in love with him. "Yeah." dad goes and mom nods. "Okay, well he suddenly...kind of...came out of the game...and now he's alive." I further explain. "Oh...okay honey." mom says not taking me seriously. I roll my eyes. "I'm being serious! Anyway, that's not the point! He needs somewhere to stay till we figure out how he can return. So...?" I say. My dad looks kind of pissed thinking about it and my mom sighs. "Okay! Fine! But you're responsible for him. He sleeps in your room!" she says. What? My room? Why my room?? Not that I'm complaining or anything...but why my room? I sigh and grin. "Okay, I guess." I say, relieved. "And he better not touch you!" dad states. He's so protective. Damn. "Okay.." I say. "Anything else?" "Nope" they respond. Okay. Great. I open the door and head to my room and shut the door.

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