Mac-and-Cheese Anyone?

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"So you're gonna be staying here for a few until we figure out how you can go back in your world." I tell Axel as I enter the door. I kind of wish I didn't have to send him back. Hello, it's Axel. The love of my life is finally in my life and now, I have to help him go back to his dimension. Just great. "Look, I don't want to be a burden to you-" "oh pish posh. You are no burden, trust me." I interrupt him. "I am going to help you in anyway I can, but I guess for have to act like a Somebody." I tell him. "That won't be too hard for you, right? Since you were once." Axel just shakes his head. "Alright! So are you hungry?" I ask him. He just nods. "Well, what are you in the mood for?" I ask him. I don't know what he likes to eat. I've only seen him eat one thing on screen and that was- "Sea-salt ice cream, please." he responds. Of course. Axel, along with Roxas and Xion, always loved Sea-salt ice cream. Although I've never heard of it, it was sort of a comfort food for them. However, where in the world am I supposed to find Sea-salt ice cream? "Uhm...I'm sorry, but I don't think we have any here." I say, whilst saying so in an apologetic tone. "What? No Sea-salt ice cream?? How do you people survive in this world?" he asks, seeming amazed and astonished. Was he being serious? I couldn't tell. "Hm, I don't know. Maybe the same way you do when you're not eating it?" I say in a sarcastic tone. "Anyway, besides, ice cream is for dessert only. Do you ever eat real food?" I ask. He thinks about it for a few. "You should know. You're the one who claims I came from a video game." "And you did." I say, interrupting him. "So you should know." he finishes. "Okay, so the answer is no then. I'll just make us some mac and cheese." I suggest. Axel raises a thumb up and I take that as a yes. I then open the bedroom door, leaving him on my bed and walk to the kitchen. I take out the ingredients. One box of mac and cheese, butter, milk, and water. Making mac and cheese was simple. All I need to do is boil the macaroni, drain the water, add four tablespoons of butter, add 1/4 cup of milk and mix it all in. Easy and done. I notice dad coming into the kitchen. "Mac and cheese for Axel and I." I tell him. "The video game character eats?" my dad asks. "Well. I mean, he's in the real world now so he has to or he'll die." I explain. "He's a video game character. No one will miss him." he snarks. I would miss him. I would miss him once he's gone. I don't want him to go back just yet, even though I already promised him. "Anyway, I leave the dishes up to you?" I ask dad, whilst batting my eyes. "Go ahead." he gives way. I take both mine and Axel's plates along with two forks and head towards my room. "Lunch is served." I say, handing him his plate and untensil. "Thanks." he says. "You're welcome." I make my way over to the bed and sit down beside him. I watch him pick up his fork and take the first bite out of the macaroni. My eyes widen. I hope he likes it. "So..? How is it? It's my speciality." I say. I watch him chew and chew and then swallow. "Well..?" I ask. He turns to look at me, then turns back to his plate and picks up the fork for another bite. I chuckle at his reaction. Does that mean he likes it? I pick up my fork for a bite. It was pretty tasty. I am amazed at myself. I did a pretty good job.

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