Beginning to End [part two]

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Xaldin lashes his six individual lances at Saaya making her step back. Luxord gets his cards ready for Demyx. "Ah, if I play my cards right I could have an ace up my sleeve." Saying with a wink.

Xigbar starts to shoot at both Saaya and Demyx. "Ah, jackpot!" Luxord said with a devious grin looking at the cards he had in his hand. He casts the card in front of him. As he did, the card starts to flash bright colors. Soon the card begins to explode, energy blasts heading straight for Demyx. Xigbar jumps in the air shooting his arrow guns, while Luxord's energy blasts were shooting out. "Whoa, double wammy!" Demyx shouts.

Demyx starts to play a beautiful melody whilst saying, "C'mon keep to the beat!" as he strums. He was summoning water blasts shooting up from the ground. Twirling around while strumming once more, he sends out concentrated water blades from the strings of the sitar. Xigbar dodges only a few of Demyx's blades as a few starts to slice and dice at him. "Ah, damn!" Xigbar shouts, clenching onto his right shoulder where it was wounded. Demyx smirks once more.

"This will cost you." Xaldin says ominously. Saaya readies her two samurai swords once more. "Winds!" Xaldin shouts as he shoots three of his lances towards Saaya. She jumps in the air slashing at his three lances. Doing a back flip in the air, she comes down full force cutting them in half. "Three down, three to go." Saaya smirks. "I applaud you child." Xaldin said as he readied his other three lances. He comes with full force slashing at Saaya. She struggles to block the other three with only having two swords. She ducks, making a low sweeping kick, knocking Xaldin's feet from under him. He blocks Saaya's attacks while on the ground. "Wind, guard me!" Xaldin commands. Wind starts to flow around both him and Saaya, making a wind like funnel. Both him and Saaya were lifted from the ground, into the air. "Ah, crap!" Saaya complains. Xaldin only smirks once more before coming straight for Saaya. She readies herself once more.

Saaya qickly moves out of the way whilst ending up behind Xaldin. She slashes at his lower back only to make contact. Xaldin screams in pain, turning around throwing two of his spears at her. Saaya spins around cutting the spears in half. As she finishes, she says, "Silly boy, a ninja never throws his main weapon." Xaldin held a spear in both hands ready to impale. "YOU WILL WEAR THE FACE OF DESPAIR!!!" Xaldin shouts. Saaya focuses her energy on both of her blades. She ducks as he moves closer to her. Saaya ends up underneath him, cutting him right in half. Soon the wind funnel disappeared, leaving Saaya back on the ground. Xaldin slowly crumbles to ashes.

"WOO! Dance water dance!" Demyx twirls around whilst strumming, summoning his water dancers. Xigbar continues to shoot at the dancers with his injured shoulder. Although, the bullets did no good.

Xigbar was outnumbered. One of the dancers got close to him, taking his gun out of his hand as the others follow in pursuit. Soon the many water dancers had completely restraint him, causing him to lose both his arrow guns. "Heh, you clever little sneak." Xigbar said with a smirk. Soon Xigbar was encased in water waiting for his fate to be answered. Before Demyx could finish off Xigbar, Saaya runs over to Demyx. Luxord readies his cards, flinging them like shurikens. "Saaya! Look out!" Demyx yells. Saaya looks at the razor blade like cards coming straight toward her. Everything slowed down at that moment. With an instant, Demyx was by her side, strumming a concentrated water shield to save Saaya from Luxord's deadly cards. He quickly summons water pillars whilst saying, "Ain't it a blast!" The pillars shoot up from the ground, heading straight for Luxord. Luxord didn't have a chance to dodge Demyx's attacks. He was soon engulfed drowning within the water pillar. Luxord soon turns to ashes as the water pillar evaporates.

"Demyx, you saved me." Saaya said with surprise. "Anytime babe." Demyx said with a wink. Turning his attention back to Xigbar, he waves a hand over the water based prison, releasing him to the ground. "Why??" Xigbar questions, moving to stand on his feet. "Heh, it ain't worth it, killing you and all." Demyx answers as he turns away. Xigbar scratches the back of his head with confusion. It was easy to tell he still wasn't sure of what had just happened. "Y'know, you're alright, kiddo." he says, accepting his defeat. Demyx stops his tracks for a moment, turning his head to the side. "You're not too bad either, Xiggy." he responds.

The two were seemingly like friends that had known each other for awhile. Demyx turning his attention back to Saaya, he makes sure she's okay once more. "Y'know, now that he's not on us anymore, why don't you say he tags along with our team?" she suggests whispering out of earshot. Demyx ponders on the idea for a minute and looks back to Xigbar considering the idea. "Hey, Xiggy!" he calls out to him. "Yeah?" Xigbar responds looking over to Demyx and Saaya. "I know we had our differences, but I'll give you a chance to repent." Demyx offers. "Oh yeah? Heh, how so?" he questions in response. "Join us and help us take down Xemnas." he tells him, hoping Xigbar would agree. "Heh, seeing you guys pull off a great show like that? I'd be honored." Xigbar agrees, smirking.

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