The Illusionist

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I pulled the hood back over my head and began my search again. I at least knew where one of the girls would be, but where would I find Emiri? I search through all the corridors until I come to the main lounge room. I see Organization member Number VI, Zexion, the Cloaked Schemer, standing there on the far-side of the room. I didn't particularly see anyone with him, except I notice Zexion talking to someone. I try to get closer and peep around his body to see if he was looking down at someone. He is talking to someone! I get closer and see that the someone is Emiri. My mouth is aghast. Really? First Saaya, now Emiri? I try to get up closer to hear what they're talking about, but whatever they're talking about, she must be pretty contempt with that smile across her face. I walk slightly closer to them and as I take a few steps at a time, I see Emiri look past Zexion and notices me. "Uhm..?" she asks, pointing in my direction. Zexion then turns around to see what she was pointing at and his expression becomes curious as his eyes land on me. "Who are you? Show yourself!" he exclaims. I stop in my tracks and hesitantly pull the hood down, revealing who I am. "Oh, Aine! Hi!" Emiri squeals at the sight of seeing one of her best friends still breathing. Why was everyone glad I was okay? I mean I'm glad I'm okay too, but did I miss something? I walk on over to them. "Hey Emiri, how are things?" I ask, scanning my gaze between her and the guy beside her. "Oh, things are great!" she says excitedly. Suddenly, Zexion sniffs the air around us. "You two aren't from around here, are you?" he asks. I smile nervously. "Nope." Emiri starts. "We come from a different dimension, but I don't know why we were sent here of all places. We're trying to look for a way back. That's why Axel brought us here, so we could have a place to stay for a few." she further explains. "Axel? What does he have anything to do with anything?" he asks, raising an eyebrow. "Oh because he knows Aine!" she says. He looks over to my direction. "And how, does he know you?" he asks me. So I begin telling him the whole story from the very beginning because there was no way I can lie about it. "Hmm. I see." he says. "Oh, hey! How did you tell that we aren't from this world?" Emiri asks, curiously. "Oh that's because he has a strong scent of smell and can tell us apart from the darkness and light. He also has the power of illusion." I glance over to him. "Isn't that right, Zexion?" His expression is always so sullen and nonchalant, neverchanging. "So...?" I start, trying to find another subject to talk about, then I look to Emiri. "Whose room did you end up staying in?" I ask. "His room." she says, looking towards Zexion. "How'd that happen?" I ask. "Roxas thought I needed to get acquainted and open up to someone, so they sent her to my room. Something about not having friends. Which is wrong because I have plenty of friends." he further explains. "Well okay!" I yell. "Speaking of which, why are you in that cloak?" he asks. "I was searching for the girls to see if they're okay and by the looks of it they're fine. I needed a disguise because I doubt your lord knows anything of our whereabouts. So I sneaked out of Axel's room, which I probably should get back to." I explain. I tell Emiri that her, Saaya and I will all meet back out later somewhere for more research as to how we get back to our world. As I wave goodbye, I turn back on my heel and find my way back to Axel's vacancy.

Reality vs. Virtual [An Axel Fanfic]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu