97. Resolve

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Shuhua: " Unnie...?"
Soyeon: " Shuhua, who was that with you at the mall today?"

Shuhua: " Unnie you saw us???"
Soyeon: " Yes and I followed. But I don't want to assume things so I'm coming here to ask."
Yuqi: " Unnie that's her childhood school friend."
Soyeon: " Oh yeah? For a school friend is there a need to hold hands?"
Yuqi: " Huh? That's not what you told me?"
Shuhua: " No no no! Listen, we met out there randomly. So recently we just go out and catch up. But..."
Soyeon interrupted her before she could finish: " Then why not you tell us or Oppa?? If Oppa would actually be more suspicious he would have saw you two today!"

Shuhua: " Ahh! Unnie! Let me finish... we were just chatting normally catching up school days but he suddenly grab my hands and confessed!"
Soyeon: " I saw that part but where did you two went right after? My vision was blocked right after that."
Shuhua: " I just left because I was feeling uncomfortable with him."
Soyeon: " Are you sure? Are you sure you two didn't go somewhere else together??"

Shuhua: " Unnie! I'm not that kind of person! I love Oppa okay? I would never do that!"

In Y/N's room, all the conversation was getting louder and louder that at that point Y/N and the puppy sisters that were sleeping in the other side of the room could hear.

Minnie: " Oppa. You heard that?"
Miyeon: " What are they arguing about? So noisy."
Y/N: " Let me go and check it out."

Miyeon and Minnie followed Y/N to that room.

He opened the door.
Y/N: " Yah, what's going on here? We could hear you."

Soyeon: " Shuhua, it's a good time to tell us everything now."
Shuhua: " Tell what? I already told you and Woogie all the things, there's nothing else!"
Soyeon: " I don't believe the last part."
Shuhua: " Then if you don't believe I can't help it. I am loyal to Oppa, I didn't do anything to hurt him."

Y/N: " Okay okay. Can we all calm down? Woogie you were hearing all that as the middle person, you wanna share with us?"

Yuqi: " Mm okay."

She told Y/N and the puppy sisters the whole thing.

Minnie: " So was this guy that came to you the one you mentioned that blocked a ball that was flying at you in school?"
Shuhua: " Yeah but that's not the important part. We were just schoolmates and just catching up on back in the days but Soyeonnie just doesn't believe me."
Miyeon: " So where exactly did you two go after he grab you hand and confessed?"

Shuhua: " No where! I just left because first I don't want people catching me out there with random guy grabbing my hand. Second, I am loyal to Oppa and so no one else should touch me!"
Soyeon: " Then since you left he should be there still, where did he go?"
Shuhua: " He was chasing after me obviously? Oh my god, you are so sensitive Soyeonnie!"

Soyeon: " Then why didn't you wear the ring Oppa gave you and show that you are taken?"
Shuhua: " you know I would if we actually ain't tied with a contract to this dumb company right?! Remember how there was once Minnienie wore the ring on her ring finger and people saw and went crazy on the internet stating someone propose to her? But true story was just a friendship ring with Miyeonnie, and that time Oppa hasn't even propose to us yet!"

Minnie: " Mmm, yeah."

Y/N: " Okay can we all calm down."

Shuhua: " Oppa! Do you trust me?"
Y/N: " Of course I do. The next time he ask you out, I'll follow you to prove to him that you are taken."

Shuhua: " No Oppa. We can't do that."
Y/N: " Why so?"
Shuhua: " He is into Kpop, so if he finds out I have a boyfriend or at this point getting married soon, he will make a huge fuzz on the internet."
Y/N: " Well you do have a point but I do have a better way to deal with it, and I will be coming with you."

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