96. Suspicous

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Shuhua: " Soojinnie!!!!!!!!"
Soojin: " Hey how are you all doing?"

Shuhua rush to her and hugged her tight.

The other girls also gathered around her.

Minnie: " Oppa, is this your plan again?"
Y/N: " Hmmmmm, I think so? Heheheh."
Soojin: " Oppa, don't play with them."
Y/N: " Well yeah, we did plan this."
Shuhua: " Wait so that means we will be going to Neverland today? Or?"
Y/N: " that depends on if you all willing to cooperate with Soojin."
Yuqi: " Wait what? So Soojinnie is really guiding us on the world tour stages?"
Y/N: " Mmhm."
Shuhua: " Yay!!!"

The girls get into business on learning the scripts as Soojin guided them.

Y/N felt so happy watching the 6 worked together again.

Later in the afternoon,
The girls were resting, sitting in a circle in the dance practise room.

Minnie: " Soojin, how are you doing with your dance classes?"
Soojin: " Mm, I lessen my teaching."
Miyeon: " Huh? Then you left??"
Soojin: " No no, I've been promoted to be like the senior dance teacher so I appear on teaching people lesser unless they require really professional ones."

Shuhua: " Man, look at Soojinnie getting somewhere with her career while we stuck here like idiots."
Yuqi: " Calm down Shuhua."
Soojin: " Hmm? Did something happened?"
Shuhua told Soojin the big incident that happened to Miyeon.

Soojin: " Owh my that's awful."
Y/N: " That said Soojin, you are the one I worried the most, please protect yourself out there."
Soojin: " Of course."

It was then Soojin stood up and walk towards Y/N who was sitting a little bit away from them.

Soojin: " Oppa."
Y/N: " Hmm?"
Soojin: " I wanna discuss something with you."
Y/N: " Okay?"

She held Y/N's hand and went outside of the dance practise room.

Soojin: " Oppa."
Y/N: " Yes baby."
Soojin: " I've been thinking, I think I am ready to have your kids hehehe."
Y/N: " Oh? Hmmm..."
Soojin: " Bad idea?"
Y/N: " Well definitely not now when I am not gonna be by your side because of the world tour..."
Soojin: " I can take care myself."
Y/N shake his head: " It is an irresponsible act if I let you be alone while being pregnant you know. Atleast I can be by your side when it happens."
Soojin: " Hmm, Okie I'll listen to you."
Y/N: " Eventually Jinjin, we will have our kid."

They smile at each other and hugged.

They went back into the room.
Shuhua: " Yah what secret are you two planning again?"
Y/N: " Nothing just extra possible surprises."
Yuqi: " Oooooooo."
Miyeon: " So Oppa, are we going to Neverland still?"
Y/N: " Mm, I'm afraid no. Your rehearsals and practise have to be done with the bands since they will be on stage with you all."
Minnie: " Aww."
Shuhua: " Man, then Soojinnie will be leaving later?"

Soojin: " Yeah."
Shuhua: " Unnie can you stay for a few days?"
Soojin: " I'm afraid not, I still have things to do on my side."
Y/N: " Soojin and I have discussed, she will be coming to stay with us at the dorm for a few days before we fly off to the 2nd destination of the world tour."
Shuhua: " YAY!!!"

And then the girls resume their memorising of the script.

At the end of the day, after saying goodbye to Soojin, the girls and Y/N head back to their dorm.

Days past by with the girls continuously practise with the bands for their world tour.

One day, Y/N was busy at his own desk doing work when Yuqi came by.

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