60. Big Surprise

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From a certain distance,

Y/N and Minnie could tell that his car was nowhere to be found.

Minnie: " Oppa did you left anything valuable in the car??"
Y/N: " No, besides my car aren't even that like branded, who would be dumb enough to steal the car???"
Minnie: " No idea... How do we go back Oppa?"
Y/N: " Looks like we don't have a choice but to walk back."

Minnie: " Oh my how far are we out here?"
Y/N: " I don't know how to estimate with walking but all I know is if driving took 30minutes... it is pretty far..."
Minnie: " Mmm... well we gotta make it back some how so, since we are on a date I'll treat it as a walk in the park just that the park is a little huge hahahah."

Y/N felt sorry: " I'm sorry Minnie..."
Minnie: " Hey Oppa let's get going before it starts raining or something."
She held Y/N's hand and started walking towards where they came from.

While they were walking,
Minnie: " Oppa aren't you gonna call the police about your car?"
Y/N: " Well, about that, my phone battery is dead and I didn't expect this to happen so I didn't charge it and since we are on a date I wouldn't be needing it. How about yours?"
Minnie: " I didn't bring my phone..."
Y/N: " Man, the one time I decided not to charge my phone... sorry."

Minnie: " Oppa stop apologising, we are happily strolling along the road during our date!" She smiled.
Y/N: " You are so cheerful."

Minnie: " Hehehe, let's talk about something else to distract us. We will reach back home in no time."
Y/N: " Alright."

While continue to walk back home,
Minnie and Y/N continuously chats about random things to distract themselves from the long journey.

Minnie: " I'm glad I did not wear high heels."
Y/N: " yeah it would have hurt so badly right now."
Minnie: " I seldom wear it too during shoots and stuff, since I'm like tallest in the group."
Y/N: " That's true."

It was then Minnie tripped a little.
Y/N: " Hey careful!"
Minnie: " Ouch... Oppa my feet is hurting a little bit."
Y/N: " Which part?" He squat down wanting to massage for her.

Minnie: " Oppa can you turn away in this squatting position?"
Y/N: " Hmm? Okay?"
Minnie: " Hehehe."
She hop on to Y/N's back and hug around his neck.

Minnie: " Let's go Oppa, let's not waste time to massage my feet for me."
Y/N: " Alright that works too."
He stood up with Minnie on his back and started walking, making sure to hold on to her thighs firmly.

To Y/N, it wasn't difficult as Minnie was pretty light.

About 15 minutes of walking later,
Minnie: " Am I heavy Oppa? Are you tired?"
Y/N: " No I'm completely fine, you are pretty light."
Minnie: " Hehehe."

Minnie continued her conversation with Y/N to distract him for getting tired and bored as he marches down the road for the rest of the afternoon.

Having Minnie on his back, walking through the day, till the sunsets, and the rise of the moon.

Y/N: " Minnie... are you hungry?"
Minnie: " No... Oppa... are you tired? Should I get down?
Y/N: " No it's fine."
Minnie: " Oppa, you know I have been thinking..."
Y/N: " Yeah...?"
Minnie: " I might just buy you another car...."
Y/N: " What...? For what? I can just report to the police once we are back and trace my car..."
Minnie: " I know... but I just wanna buy you a car hehehe..."
Her voice grows softer and softer as she speaks.
Y/N: " You don't have to Minnie..."

Minnie: " Mmmm............."
Y/N: " Minnie...?"
Minnie: "..."

"She must have fallen asleep."

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