Chapter 23

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"Come in" A voice grumbled from beyond the door, barley audible. Yet Tenko had heard it anyways and opened the door to reveal a white haired man with red eyes, definded features with a hint of age creeping in. His eyes held a wiseness within as if he had been alive hundreds of years.

"Hey father" Tenkos says suddenly, breaking the silence. The man looks up from whatever it is his was working on and gives Tenko a smile.

"Hello Tenks" He says with a smile. He finally notices me and tilts his head examining me.
"Wait..izuku?! Is that actually you?!" He asks, obviously wasn't expecting to see me. I give him my best smile available which wasn't much.

"It's been a while dad" I say, cocking my head to the side and he drops what he was doing immidiatly. He runs up to me and embraces, which definitally wasn't what I was expecting.

I hug him back and tear up for multiple reasons. "I-i missed you" I choke out. He lets go of me and holds onto my shoulders.

"By whatever gods I missed the hell out of you too, You've grown so much" He says smiling. "Don't give me that cheesy ass line" I grumble with a smile. He chuckles.

"Oh wow forgot about me already I feel so
loved." Tenko says, melodramatically. I laugh. "Of course we forgot about you what's there to remember?" I say with a laugh. Tenko goes into a state of shock making me cackle. I cover my mouth in a fit of laughter.

Dad laughs aswell, to the point where he was about to fall on the floor. I finally catch my breath and look at Tenko again, still in a state of shock I burst out laughing again.

"SHUSH" Tenko finally says, out of his state of shock. "I-I can't i-its too funny" I mangage to say in between laughs.

A few minutes later i'm finally able to stop laughing and wipe away my tears of joy. "Wasnt't even that funny" Tenko mumbles.

"I disagree" Dad says. I chuckle once more and Tenko huffs in defeat. After a while of catching up, Tenko and dad threatening to kill katsuki, ect ect. It made me happy they cared so much, unlike someone.


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