Chapter 19

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Izuku walks over to the girls and smiles. "Hey midobae." Mina says. Izuku looks down at them.
"I heard your heading to the mall, can I come with. I'll pay!" Mina looks up at me with slightly shocked and I reassure her with a quick wink.
She smiles brightly. "Yeah of course! Thanks!"

(a couple hours later at the school gate)

I wait for the girls while leaning agenst the gate. After a while everyone arrives and we walk to the student parking lot to get into minas truck. Everyone loads in and mina begins driving to the mall.

"Izubae are you sure you can pay? I brought money in case you changed your mind i mean-" Mina mumbles, keeping her eyes on the road yet looking nervous. I chuckle and grin.

"Mina of course i'm sure, im not gonna promise you something then bail." I hear mina exhale as if she had been holding her breath. I smile and start playing music.

We arrive at the mall and everyone gets out of the truck.

"So where to first?" Hagakure asks while grabbing her backpack.

"Hmmm, how about spencers?" Jirou suggests. I smile.

"Sounds good, what yall think?" Some of the girls complain but majority rules and we head to spencers. The girls who complained actually found stuff they liked so everyone ended up happy.

A couple hours later katsuki texts me, wondering where i'm at. I text him i'll be home soon and he leaves me alone at my request.

(chapter 20?)

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