Chapter 8

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Izuku arrives at the party in jeens a white
t-shirt, he looks around and spots kirishima. Izuku walks over to him and sets his hand on his shoulder.

"hey man thanks for inviting me!" He says to kirishima almost in a mocking tone.

"oh hey izuku your welcome." Kirishima turns to izukus direction to say.

"oh btw i got some tea idk if you'll like it or not but it's good." Kirishima says as he takes a drink of his wine.

"well what is it?" Izuku asked clearly interested to see what this red head had to say that was oh so interesting.

"well i heard that bakugou might have a crush on you." Kirishima said taking another drink. Izuku got an intrigued look. The group spoke for a while until katsuki finally arrived late as always to everything.


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