Chapter 14

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(rewrote some parts in this chapter)
(with izuku)

Izuku was walking in an alleyway and ran into 2 gang members with gun in their hands. One of them pointed their gun at izuku smiling menacingly.

Izuku stood there not fazed by the two. He didn't feel like using his quirk at the moment and he didn't have a weapon. Izuku slightly tilted his head and stared at the two men.

One of the two shot their gun, which was obviously pointed at his head. Izuku let the bullet hit him and he smiled.

"Oops, your little magic trick didn't work" He said with a malice grin plastered on his face. Izuku charged at one of the men.

The man fell down and izuku started stomping on the guys stomach and blood started going everywhere. His guts gushing out of his body.

The other guy stumbles to run away but ended up getting a knife thrown at the back of his head. For the last remaining moments he was terrified while izuku was pounding the other guy to the earth.

Izuku started laughing maniacally, he walked over to the other man, barley alive. He took the knife out of the mans head and grinned. He healed the man with one of his quirks.

"Time for some stress relief" Izuku say, smiling calmly once again. Which quickly turned into a maniacal grin.

The mans eyes widened and felt the back of his head and his eyes began to tear. "..ah- AHHHHHHH SOMEONE HE-" Izuku quickly sealed the mans mouth with a piece of cloth.

"Be quiet like a good boy now..or it'll be worse" He says with a grin. Izuku dragged the man who was kicking and trying to scream to a curb in the ally. He took the cloth out of the mans mouth and forces his mouth open to lock it on the curb.

He stomps on the back in the mans head, dislocating his jaw. Izuku giggles at the scene and made sure he wouldn't die from just the one wound. He dragged the man farther into the allyway with a smile and did all kinds of torchure to the man.

Eventually leaving him dead, izuku teleported to his house and threw the bloody clothes in the washer. He teleported into the shower and turned the water on pure hot to get the blood fully out.

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