Chapter 22

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Small bit of info b4 the chapter: The LOV didn't ever attack UA. None of the villain attacks happened. Shigaraki was actually smart and built up strength. Toga, dabi, and all the other people who join the LOV later are now in the LOV.  Comment questions and i'll answer them to the best of my abilities.

I stare down at my feet, hidden by the blanket. My expression blank leaving me void of any emotions in the moment.

"I shouldn't be sobbing like a baby over this people get cheated on all the time why am I any different.."

I move my feet playfully trying to feel something when someone came into the house. Thinking it was my mom I didn't pay any mind and continued to stare off into a void of nothingness. I grit my teeth in anger. How could he do this to me? He loved me to bits! He was my fucking everything. Did all of our time together mean nothing?! Did he ever even love me?

I begin to tear up again when I feel someone hug me from behind with muscular arms. "Who?-" I turn around to face the mystery person. "W-wait. T-tenko??" I ask. The blue haired male smiles at me. "Hey bro..why are you crying?" He asks, carefully letting go of me and walking around the couch to sit next to me.

"You remember bakugo right?" I ask, he looks at me and nods his head.

"We were dating and today was our anniversary, but I came home after buying him gifts and found him sleeping in bed with our mutual friend" I mumble, just loud enough to hear but quiet enough so my voice doesn't crack.

Tenko pulls me into a hug, careful not to hurt me. "I'm so sorry didn't deserve that I don't know how he can do that to you.." Tenko says softly.

"O-off of sad topics, how did you find me? Or mom for that matter?" I ask, honestly curious. He smiles as he looks down at me, curled up in my blanket. "I did some research with dad" He says. I immidiatly light up. Last time I saw my dad was when I was 7, when he gave me all for one. "You were with dad???" I ask in an excited tone. He smiles.

"Yeah, I can take you to him later if you want" He says.

"HELL YEAH I WANT TO" I yell. Standing up from my blanket. "RIGHT NOW. LETS GO TENKS" I say, Pulling him up from the couch.

He chuckles and eventually agrees to take me to dad. I was grinning ear to ear the entire way. We arrive at a run down looking building and leads me inside. I see a few people as I walk in but the only to come over was a young looking blond girl.

"Hey there greeny! I'm Himiko Toga! Are you new here? What's your name?" She asks. Not missing a single beat to ask a question. Tenko shoves her face away. "Shut the hell up toga, you're annoying" He says.

"You're so mean shiggyyyy" She pouts. I tilt my head in confusion. "Shiggy?" I ask.

"Shit I forgot, my new names Tomura Shigaraki" He says. I nod, understanding. He had already told me he's a villian and I can understand why.

I hear a low voice chuckles from somewhere else and I look around to find the culprit. Finally my eyes land on a tall man leaning agenst a wall, his features were dark, stoic, and handsome. The complete opposite of katsuki.

His hair was a ember black, his bright blue eyes standing out like a beautiful ocean near a volcano. His features kept me in this intoxicated trance I didn't care to get out of.

That was until Tenko spoke again. "Come on izuku, lets go" Tenko said, Finally ridding himself of the pestering girl. I snapped out of it and looked towards him and nodded. I follow him close behind until we finally reach a office. He knocks on the door and a farmiliar voice rings. "Come in" He says.

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