CHAPTER 40; it's just sex

Start from the beginning

"I won't. If it's important or about him and I don't answer just call Sara." Max says chuckling.

"What do you want to say to the press? Since I'm sure you didn't stick around long for your media duties this time I'm sure they'll have lots of questions for you in Saudi."

"Don't take this the wrong way, but I think it was fairly obvious you had a baby when you showed up to the track." Max says looking over at Liam asleep in Camille's arms.

"No shit." You say staring at him. "But I also wasn't wearing my engagement ring so I'm sure there's some speculation on that and why there hasn't been a wedding yet."

"Arya we are already married. Your dad is dead. The public wedding doesn't matter anymore." Max says sighing.

"Yeah, your dad didn't seem too impressed when I told him we were already married." You say chuckling at the memory of telling Jos you and Max were already married after he tried to convince you to just forget Max and move on.

"You told him?" Max asks confused.

"I went to see him, thinking you might be there. I guess I just missed you, because he kept saying he didn't know where you were and that I should just forget you and move on. I wasn't going to tell him, but then I told him I was pregnant with your child, and I think his exact words were, 'my son is not that irresponsible to have a bastard child with some whore'." You say and you watch as Max's face drops. "His face looked a lot like yours does now when I showed him my tattoo, followed by a stream of curse words, which I will not repeat for Liam's sake."

"I mean that explains why he didn't have a big reaction when I told him." Max says sighing. "So, he knows, Daniel, Sara, Bradley know anyone else?"

"Most of the drivers." You say honestly.

"Well, if Lando knows then everyone in the paddock knows." Max says sighing. "He's terrible at keeping secrets."

"He kept yours." You say staring at him. "What if, we say we eloped before Abu Dhabi that way you were a winner either way, or something like that. It's not a lie because we did get married before Abu Dhabi, just not saying how long before the last race. I took last season off to have the baby, didn't want the public scrutiny." 

"What about your ring?" Max asks skeptically.

"Mom brain, I forgot," you say shrugging.

"And I'm not wearing one because?"

"You're clumsy and you lost it, or you forgot it... oh I got it. You don't like to wear it at the track since you can't wear it in the car, and you didn't want to forget to take it off and risk a fine, so you gave it to me to hold onto."

"That's actually not a bad idea."

"I know. I'm good at my job." You say chuckling. "You could even say we got matching tattoo's on our ring fingers since you can't wear your ring all the time."

"Alright, fans don't need to know everything." Max says chuckling.

"No but it would send a message to anyone from the mafia watching." You say softly.

"I'll think about it. What about Liam?" Max asks looking over at him.

"What about him?"

"Do we want to say it's a boy or his name?" Max asks coming to sit next to you.

"I don't want his name or face out there. I'm fine if we post a picture of him, saying our son or something. I think that's good enough."

"I like it." Max say leaning over and kissing you "Look at us figuring our stuff out."

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