CHAPTER 35; life events

Start from the beginning

Ugh it's a nightmare.

Claiming to need a day away from the baby, you were able to convince Charlotte to spend the day with you at the spa getting pampered a few days ago. Secretly in preparation for the proposal, making sure her nails are picture perfect. Charles's had planned to take her on a walk through the town center fully decorated for Christmas, before proposing down by the water. After the proposal, Charles's was going to tell her that they have dinner plans at her favourite restaurant when actually all of their friends and family would be there to celebrate their engagement.

"I think someone needs to be changed," Daniel says holding Liam in his arms. You still can't believe you found a little suit onesie for him.

"I think it's godfather Daniel's turn," you say passing Daniel the diaper bag. Daniel takes it without question smiling down at Liam.

"I'm not even mad about it." Daniel says brushing Liam's cheek watching as Liam smiles and laughs.

"Please be quick. They should be back any minute." You say looking down at your watch.

"You know it." Daniel says bouncing Liam up and down as they head off to the bathroom. You can't help but smile at the sight. You feel your phone vibrate and screech looking down at the text message. A picture of Charlotte holding up her left hand, the ring sitting on her finger a big smile on her face.

"Okay! Okay! Everyone it's go time! They're on their way!" You say quickly replying as everyone gets into place. Rushing around to get everything in place you don't look where you're going and end up bumping right into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry," you say touching their arm. Sparks immediately fly through your finger tips as you look up into the eyes of none other than your dead-to-you husband Max Verstappen.

"It's okay," Max says dabbing the spilled champagne off his blazer.

"Max, hi," you say surprised not knowing he'd be here tonight.

"Hi," Max says smiling at you.

"I didn't think you were coming tonight," you say honestly. "I thought you'd be with your family."

"Change of plans." Max says shrugging. "Besides... this is a different kind of family."

"Right." You say suddenly feeling uneasy knowing Daniel will be coming out of the bathroom at any moment your son in his arms. "Sorry, I've got to – " you say pointing to the bathroom.

"Course. I'll see you around." Max says and you make your way towards the bathroom. Luckily Daniel is just making his way out of the bathroom a smiling clean Liam on his hip.

"Max is here," you say taking Liam from Daniel throwing the diaper bag over your shoulder.

"Really?" Daniel asks surprised. "He told me he was spending the holidays with family."

"Yeah, well I'm not ready to play happy family."

"I'll run interference." Daniel says.

"Thank-you, I just want to congratulate Charlotte and Charles and then I'll take him home." You say looking down at Liam smiling in your arms. Daniel heads out first and you wait for a few minutes before heading out to the hall hiding the diaper bag under the table.

It doesn't take long before the doors swing open to the hall and Charles and Charlotte walk in. You balance Liam on your hip as you clap cheering them into the hall. Liam starts to cry at the noise, and you walk off to the side trying to soothe him. It takes a few minutes, but he finally settles down.

Catching Charlotte's eye, you smile at her walking over to her and Charles.

"Congratulations, you two." You say smiling as Charlotte takes Liam from you.

"Ah there's my godson, look at you. You're so handsome." She says holding Liam up in the air as he giggles, and you give Charles a hug.

"I'm so happy for you two, I can't believe you finally did it." You say smiling at Charles.

"I couldn't have done it without you're help." Charles says smiling back at you before looking over at Liam.

"I want one." Charlotte says and Charles shakes his head laughing. "That's enough baby time for now I think." Charles says taking Liam from her. Liam smiles reaching for Charles and his face softens.

"Maybe in a few years." Charles says smiling at Liam as he giggles.

"You can borrow him anytime you want," you say chuckling and if almost on cue Liam starts to cry. Charles passes Liam back to you mumbling, "maybe not."

"I'm sorry he's probably over-tired. He didn't nap well this afternoon." You say bouncing with him trying to get him to settle. "I'm just going to take him home see if I can get him down for the night. I don't want to distract from your night."

"Non-sense. You're not ruining anything. You're family." Charlotte says smiling at you.

"I know. But Max is also here, and I really don't want to make a scene. I love you two too much to do that to you. You deserve this night to celebrate. Besides we can go out for dinner one night and celebrate just us if you want."

"Max is here?" Charlotte asks looking around the room.

"He said he wasn't coming." Charles says frowning.

"It's okay really." You say as Liam continues to cry in your arms. "I'm sorry, we'll celebrate after the holidays."

"Okay, let me know when you get home safe." Charlotte says kissing Liam's head.

"I will," you say smiling sympathetically before heading back to your table grabbing the diaper bag putting it over your shoulder.

"It's okay baby." You say trying to soothe your crying son. "Let's go home."


Max heads out of the bathroom, glad to have a couple minutes alone. Since running into Arya, Daniel has not left him alone. Max knows he's running interference, and he has to give Daniel credit he's doing a good job. That was until he spotted you heading towards the elevator. A crying baby on your hip that stopped him in his tracks. The same cry he thought he heard in the woods several days ago now echoing through the hall. The same piercing blue eyes that he stares at in the mirror every morning staring back at him.

No, it can't be.

Max stares frozen in his spot, willing his legs to move but to no avail, watching as you walk into the elevator. Crying baby on your hip, as you try to soothe him, before you look up and make eye contact with Max just as the elevator doors close. 


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