𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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IT HAD BEEN ABOUT A WEEK SINCE the welcoming bonfire, and the Greenie was still adjusting to life in the Glade

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IT HAD BEEN ABOUT A WEEK SINCE the welcoming bonfire, and the Greenie was still adjusting to life in the Glade. No one had scheduled any weapons training for that day, so Alex was hanging out with Clint and Jeff in the MedJack hut.

One of the cons about being the only person in her specialty was that it got really lonely sometimes out there in the woods all by herself. Sure, she had some people that helped her out sometimes, but that wasn't their main job — it was something they did when they were free or she really needed help. 

"How is it possible that you slintheads managed to mess this up so much already?" she questioned as she stood over the supplies drawer, trying to organize it. She had done the same thing just the week before, but now, everything was in shambles.

Clint shrugged, leaning over her shoulder to watch what she was doing. "We just did it to give you something to do when you came here."

"Sure, you did," she muttered sarcastically.

"Hey," a voice called from the doorway, causing all three of them to turn to see who it was. Gally was standing there, wiping the sweat from his hands onto his shirt. He was looking at Alex. "I know I didn't schedule anything, but we just finished the Medjack hut. I figured I'd get some of my time for this week out of the way."

She nodded, "Yeah, sure."

"What about the drawer?" Jeff asked as she made her way out of the Hut to do her job.

Alex rolled her eyes, shooting a look toward Gally, and yelled back at him as they left, not turning around. "I'll fix it later!"

The two made it to the Weapons Range after a few minutes of hiking through the forest. They made small talk on the way there, talking about the new Slicer Hut. Once they got there, Gally just started with the spear and began hurling it at the target.

"I swear, one of the Newbies almost hammered a nail into my hand," he informed her, recounting the tale. He was complaining about how annoying new people were when they first started their jobs. Thankfully, Alex rarely had to deal with that since she was the only real worker.

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