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"Jin Mu can't be found, seems like he disappeared, we sent guards searching for him." Master Park sighed. "but there are still some shadows around, a group."

"Jin Mu probably disappeared cause we found out his identity." Master Heo replied.

"I can take care of the remaining shadows and then my work here will be done." Nabi said and the two nodded.

"they said they are hiding in one of the destroyed villages." a man that worked for Master Park said.

The girl walked out the room and her brother that was waiting outside walked to her until they reached the entrance of the fortress.
She stopped putting and hand on her brother chest and he stopped too in confusion.

"Sojun, you're staying here." she said and the boy scoffed.

"I'm not, I'll come with you... I don't care if you want it or not." he replied.

The girl was about to answer but the four seasons walked up to them and the girl sighed knowing they wanted to go with her too, so her brother let out a victory smile.
She shook her head not wanting to argue and she gave a quick look to Yul before walking out followed by all of them.

"they are hiding in this village." she said when they walked inside the destroyed village, she could feel their energy. "move in couples, find them and kill all of them... Sojun don't you dare leave my side." she said.

they all split up and she took out her sword walking around with her brother, when they spotted a few souls shifters she covered his eyes and quickly killed them.
A scream reached them and they quickly ran noticing Choyeon and Dang-gu were circled by these things, she used her spell to kill then all and the two sighed in relief, Yul and Jang Uk came running at them too after hearing the scream.

"are you okay?" Uk asked and the two nodded.

"Nabi helped us..." Choyeon said sighing.

"well we took out all of them, there are no others around." Yul said but his eyes quickly widened.

Nabi fainted and Sojun was quick to catch her before she could hit the ground, they all quickly ran at her to check on the girl.

"did she use too much energy?" Uk asked worriedly.

"she is been drinking medical herbs tea a lot, she is not feeling good recently." Dang-gu said.

"let's go back" Choyeon worriedly said.

Sojun got up taking his sister body in his arms in a bridal style but his eyes stopped on Yul, he gave the boy a reassuring smile and then they walked back to Songrim to let the girl rest.

"we will go back to Hanyong as soon as she wakes up." Master Han said and the five youngers looked between each others. "I hope you can come to her marriage soon, she sees y'all as friends"

"we will come..." Dang-gu whispered and his eyes slowly traveled to Yul who had his head low.

When the man left the room Sojun walked up to the boy taking him in a hug, he froze in surprise and then he sighed looking up at his friends, he just nodded to tell them he was okay.

"if you want to say goodbye to her, I'll let you meet without my father finding out." Sojun quickly said.

"it's okay Sojun, really, if you get in trouble your sister will kill me..." he replied trying to crack a joke but they all knew he was sad.

"my head hurts like hell..." a voice behind them whispered and they all turned around noticing the girl was awake, Choyeon quickly walked up to her.

"she is not having any fever" the girl replied after touching her friend forehead.

"Nabi, father said you should pack your things so we can go now..." her younger brother said and she nodded.

they all got out but Sojun insisted for Yul to stay and he did sighing.
His eyes followed the girl around the room that was packing her things trying to ignore his presence, he stopped her gently grabbing her arm.

"Nabi..." he whispered.

"Seo Yul, stop making things harder." she replied trying to avoid eye contact.

"I can't let you go... I walked away one time, I won't do it again" he shook his head.

"it's me walking away this time, so let me go... please..." she whispered and the boy slowly let go of her arm. "let's not meet again Seo Yul..."

The girl took her bag and walked out the room, the others were waiting outside and they all quickly followed except for Dang-gu that looked at his friend, he patted his shoulder and they walked together where Master Han was waiting for their kids.

"it's time to go, thank you Park for taking care of my daughter." the man said and the other just smiled. "get on." he said helping his daughter on her horse.

Nabi gave a last look to Yul and then she guided her horse out following her father and brother.

THE BUTTERFLY - SEO YUL X OC (Alchemy of souls)Where stories live. Discover now