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"who is she?" Dang-gu asked looking at the girl in the training area, she was simply meditating.

"Master Han oldest nephew, her name is Nabi and she will help us with the soul shifters thing." Yul explained walking with him to the girl.

"what do you need, Seo Yul?" she asked without opening her eyes and Dang-gu jaw almost dropped at how she had guessed.

"we are ready to go, the group is attacking a village right now." Yul simply said.

The girl opened her eyes and got up walking past the two boys and they both followed silently.
When they arrived at the villages some women ran to them pleading for help, other people were screaming and running around.

"let's go in couples, no one goes around alone, if your partner gets killed get back here." she said and started walking, Yul followed her since master Park told him to stay with her.

the two noticed a soul shifter run inside an house to hide, they looked at each others and then split up to the two entrances to catch him silently.
Yul took out his swords slowly walking to the shifter, but right when that thing turned a hand covered his eyes and his head was chopped off, the girl took her hand out of Yul's eyes who looked at her in confusion.

"I know what's wrong with them, we have to get back and tell the others, they will all die." she quickly said walking away with him.

When they got back half of the guards were already there without a partner and their eyes lit up when they noticed the two young masters still alive.

"They took their souls!" one of them said and Yul looked confused, souls shifters could only take human souls.

"I know, their eyes are red, it means someone strong created them and they are able to take mages souls too, the only way to beat them is not looking." she explained and everyone gasped.

"we can't fight them if we can't see them." Yul said in confusion.

"we can." she replied. "remember how I knew that was you without looking? stay there, I'll take care of the remaining ones, then we get back and tell master Park."

before anyone could reply the girl walked away going to fight the few remaining soul shifters by herself, she was sure there was more of them, but they were not there.
When the girl got back they headed straight to Songrim to tell Master Park the news.

"so what you suggest us to do?" the man asked.

"the only things we can do is search for who created them and your people should learn to use their senses to fight without seeing, we can fight them that way." she explained and he nodded.

"I'll ask to your grandfather to send someone to train our guards, but I personally want you to train Yul with that, and together keep searching." the two agreed and then left.

Yul took what they needed cause he wanted to start the training right away and the girl followed him to a big a garden right outside the village.

"you're still injured, are you sure?" she asked taking one of the training sticks and he did the same.

"I can take it." he answered.

The girl took off her scarf and walked to him covering his eyes with it, she then backed away and the boy let out a deep breath.

"concentrate, breath and use your other senses only." she slowly walked around him while the boy closed his eyes under the scarf trying to concentrate on her footsteps on the ground.

She slammed the stick on him and he immediately turned around trying to find her, it was almost impossible to learn something like that, the girl touched him with the stick a few more times and still he couldn't catch her.

"what are you doing to our poor Yul?" Dang-gu laughed walking to them with Choyeon.

Yul scoffed taking the scarf off his eyes and he dodged the stick that almost landed on his face, his eyes widened darting to the girl who was looking at him.

"we are training." she answered. "master Park asked me to teach him."

"seemed more like you were killing him." Choyeon laughed and the other girl smiled.

"I would like to see you fighting without seeing, Nabi is trying to teach me that." the poor boy sighed and he walked to the girl placing the scarf back around her neck delicately.

"she seems good with it, we should all practice that" Dang-gu laughed.

"I won't mind teaching to the four seasons." she smiled and then looked up at Yul. "right my pupil?"

"yeah, they might need it, master Nabi." he gave her a small smile.

THE BUTTERFLY - SEO YUL X OC (Alchemy of souls)Where stories live. Discover now