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When the boy woke up it was obvious to him why the girl was not next to him anymore, they couldn't risk to leave the room together, so he quickly got dressed with a new hanbok since they needed to break the barrier today, he left the room finding Dang-gu standing right infront of his door.

"last night..." he started and Yul quickly cleared his throat avoiding his eyes.

"I'm busy, I should go." he said and left not giving his friend time to say anything else.

They traveled to the barrier all together, before walking in the woods they all covered his eyes, but something was strange and Nabi could feel it.

"there are no guards today." Master Park voiced her thoughts.

"let's just break it and see what's inside, Nabi are you ready?" Master Heo said and the girl simply nodded.

the three positioned themselves and together they started the spell to break it, her energy was a bit weaker since the day before she had transferred it to the boy, but she still tried her best, the three held hands and the barrier instantly broke.
All Songrim guards and them walked inside searching for any sign of souls shifters.

"there is no one there..." a guard said in confusion.

Nabi removed the cloth from her eyes and looked around it was completely empty, beside them no one was there.

"let's go back and talk" Master Park ordered and they all walked back at the cliff, but as soon as they did a man came running to them.

"Master! The monsters are attacking Songrim!" he said trying to catch his breath for the run.

They all looked at each others and quickly made their way back to the village.
It was chaos, guards trying to fight, corpses around, shadows jumping around.
She quickly covered her eyes again and she started to fight them with her sword, they all quickly followed her.
A man with a big wooden hat tried to charge at her but Yul was quick to protect her, he started fighting with the man and it was evident to him that he wasn't a soul shifter, the boy lost his swords and he fell to the ground dodging his attack, he got up.

"Die Seo Yul!" the man screamed.

in that moment seemed like time slowed down, Yul send a wave of his energy towards the man and the man shoot an energy arrow to him, a body collided with Yul shielding him from the arrow and the man disappeared before the wave could hit him, all the shadows disappeared with him leaving everyone in confusion.
Yul blinked a few times taking the cloth away from his eyes and the most horrifying scene was infront of him, Nabi was shielding him, the arrow had taken both of them but he didn't feel any pain thanks to the energy she gave him.

"Nabi..." he whispered widening his eyes.

The girl hold onto him tightly coughing blood on his shoulder, when the arrow disappeared she lost her grip falling to the ground, her eyes instantly closed.
Yul stood there, eyes widened as he looked at his bloody hands that instantly started trembling, tears stormed down his face before he could control them and he slowly looked down to her body, it seemed like everything had just stopped existing, only her body was left there.


"if this is my only night with you, I want it to be my last day on earth." she whispered on his lips. "that's the only thing I want." she continued and his heart ached.


Everyone turned around when an agonizing scream left the boy lips as he fell to his knees next to her body.

"Yul..." Dang-gu eyes widened as he looked at his friend hug the girl body tight to his chest.

his screams and sobs didn't stop, they just increased when he noticed the blood stain that was starting to form on the ground, he didn't care if his clothes would get dirty, he just wanted her back.
Master Park quickly ran at them in shook and Master Heo followed to check on the girl.

"please... please save her master... I beg..." Yul kept repeating these words between the sobs as he desperately tried to clean the blood from her.

"she is still breathing.." Master Heo said. "quick! to the secret room!"

Master Park took the body away from him and he quickly followed Master Heo away.
The boy just stood there still in tears as he looked at the blood again, Dang-gu ran at him trying to help him up.

"it's okay Yul, she is going to be okay..." he tried to reassure him.

"this is all my fault..." the boy sobbed out starting to hit his own chest repeatedly, he felt like his heart was burning and he wanted it to stop.

Dang-gu quickly stopped him from hitting himself again. "we can follow them if you calm yourself down okay?"

Yul slowly nodded cleaning his bloody hands on his clothes while his friend tried to wipe away his tears, he felt heartbroken too seeing his two friends like that, now he understood how strong Yul feelings for the girl were.
The two slowly walked inside the secret room and they watched while Master Heo was performing a spell on the girl body.

"she gave you some of her energy, that's why you didn't get hurt but she did, she was too weak." Master Park revealed and the boy eyes teared up again as he tried to not break down again.

"I can give it back to her, so she will heal faster..." he said and Master Heo nodded.

"It will still take her a few days to absorb her energy again, she will probably keep sleeping until then." Master Park said.

Yul walked closer to her body, he sighed leaning to kiss her forehead and passed her energy back to Nabi, he slowly raised his eyes to his masters, he knew they would understand their relationship now and they were going to probably fight against it, but he didn't care right now.

"please... let me stay with her until she wakes up..." he said and Master Park was about to refuse but got interrupted.

"please, uncle." Dang-gu said and the man sighed.

"okay... bring her to her room." Master Park simply said.

Yul softly took her body in his arms in a bridal style and he walked out followed by his friend.
Uk and Choyeon came running at them after hearing about what had happened and they gasped when they saw the body, the boy didn't stop, he just kept walking, and the two could see the pain on his face.

"she isn't dead... right?..." Choyeon asked to Dang-gu who shook his head making them sigh in relief.

"but Yul is destroyed... I never saw him like that, the scream he let out when he saw her body was the most horrible thing I've ever heard..." the boy whispered.

Yul walked inside the room and he placed the girl on her blanket, he took off her bloody hanbok and put a new one on her, then he covered her body, another tear slid down his eye while Uk walked inside the room with a clean hanbok for him too.

"Yul-ah... you should change..." he told him.

"please put it somewhere... I'll change in a bit..." the boy whispered wiping away his tears and he stood up.

Jang Uk left the clothes on a small table, he gave a small pat on his friend shoulder and then he left sighing.

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