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The girl circled around the four people that were standing back to back, scarfs covering their eyes as they tried to spot her, she smiled and attacked Uk making the poor boy groan, Choyeon and Dang-gu darted their heads in his direction while Yul stayed still trying to concentrate on her footsteps.

"Jang Uk, you're out." she said and the boy scoffed taking the scarf off.

"that's not fair, why did you attack me first? you should've took Dang-gu!" he said walking to the side.

"why me?!" the blonde boy screamed.

She laughed and then started circling them again this time she hit Choyeon taking her out again, she wanted to leave Yul as last he was the one who needed to learn the most, and he knew it.
As expected she took Dang-gu out next and now three of the seasons were cheering for their friend.

"focus!" she yelled at him knowing his friends voices might distract him and he stood up straight gripping tightly on his stick.

She ran at him and he dodged the attack making his friends gasp while they watched him almost get her, he tried to attack her again but completely missed, he tried again and again fighting with her.
The girl quickly spins around herself hitting his legs and making him fall to the ground, he sighed taking the scarf off knowing he had lost and the girl gave him her hand helping the boy up.

"you almost made it!" Choyeon cheered clapping her hands.

"yeah, he is getting better" Dang-gu said in happiness and Yul gave them a small smile.

"y'all are shit though." Nabi said and they all laughed. "but y'all need a reward for today, you worked hard, so drinks are on me today."

Three of them cheered while Yul just scoffed a laugh, the girl got pulled quickly to the neared place to drink and all five of them sat together drinking and talking, actually her and Yul were the less talkative ones, but they still tried to partecipate.
Now they found themselves walking back in the Songrim fortress with a very drunk Jung Uk, Dang-gu and Choyeon while Yul and Nabi were keeping an eye on them.

"we are going to sleep noooow" Dang-gu said and the three walked away to their dorm leaving the two behind.

"should we follow them?" she asked worriedly while walking beside the boy.

"nah, they will be okay, they can perfectly get to their dorms, if they don't they will sleep on a random floor somewhere." he said making the girl chuckle.

She stopped in confusion when the boy left her, walking to another direction. "where are you going? isn't your room that way?" she pointed to the opposite direction and he stopped.

"yeah, but with all this blind training I've been pushing away my studies, so I should keep up, I'm going to the library." he explained looking at her.

"I'll come with you then." she walked up at him and he started walking again without questioning her.

They sat in silence in the library, each of them reading different books, but she had to admit that it was boring, she never liked studying, she always preferred training more, but she was obviously forced to do both by her grandfather.

"what?" the boy questioned noticing her staring at him but he didn't move his eyes from the book.

"oh nothing, I was just thinking, sorry... but you noticed me, must be the training?" she quickly apologized.

"it's because I felt like you were burning a hole on my face." he slightly laughed and then his eyes traveled up to her leaving the book on the table.

"so now I see why they call you the Seo family genius and a man noble like the fall." she said and he shook his head.

"they seriously call me that?" he asked in amusement and she nodded scoffing for his reaction.

"you should stop studying now, it's really late and we have things to do tomorrow." she said, the girl stood up putting both their books away and he looked at her with a bit of surprise, he stood up and they walked together through the door.

"goodnight, Nabi." he said after accompanying her to her room, he gave her a small bow.

"goodnight Yul." she bowed too and then entered her room, the boy just walked away going to his room and rest too.

THE BUTTERFLY - SEO YUL X OC (Alchemy of souls)Where stories live. Discover now