"Ms. Hart doesn't care if they like her or not. I'll bet the whole thing was her idea." Danny's large form grunted out from his sparring position, charging another man and ramming him with his shoulder sending him flying several feet away. The other large man slammed his fists to the ground in frustration, slowly got back up to his feet, nodded to Danny, and retreated. Danny grinned back then turned around and walked over to watch the show with the rest of them, deflating to his normal size.

"He's right; it was her idea," Alec smirked, no longer looking up from his pocket watch.

"But only four of us are betting for her to win? Who is in favor of her?" Demetri asked in confusion.

Alec ignored his question and nodded to Jane, who then announced, "Time's up. Serafina wins."

Serafina extinguished the flame on her own. There was a large group surrounding her; all she heard were groans and moans of disappointment as they cleared a path for her. She calmly walked through to meet up with the twins, "How did we do?" she asked them as she put her arms around their shoulders.

"It would've been a better cut for each of us if Demetri didn't bet with us," Alec said, giving Demetri an annoyed look.

"You didn't bet on Ms. Hart?" Demetri turned to look at Danny.

"What could I bet? She cleaned me out last week during a poker match." He said exasperatedly, "I would be without money until next month when I get my next pay. But I just sparred with Boris and thankfully won. He bet he could withstand my charge in my other form. If he won, I had to volunteer for every sparring match against Felix next week since he usually picks Boris when no one volunteers. But if I won, I'd get his last month's salary. He's going to pay me later," Danny said, with his spirits rising at the thought of getting paid. Alec, Jane, and Demetri looked at him with sympathy. Serafina bit her lower lip to keep herself from laughing.

"You know your men won't like you if you embarrass them like this," Demetri turned to Serafina as he accepted his cut of the winnings from Jane.

"My men? I don't know why Aro told me to lead them. I'm not part of the guard. I go to help out when it sounds like it'll be troublesome for these two." She gave the twins' shoulders a small squeeze, "Plus, it lets me make sure they don't cause too much trouble either. I've only gone out a handful of times. I think they were some of your bigger troubles though," she said, a little unsure as she complained.

"Whether you want them or not, your Seraphim are held very highly in the guard now. Even if they hate you, they can't complain. Their standing in the guard is just below us." Felix said gesturing to their group.

"Seraphim?" Serafina questioned.

"Did you know that the fire manipulators have a new name among the guard and vampire world ever since the first time you led their squad decades ago?" Jane asked Serafina, looking up at her.

"Oh yeah? Seraphim?" Serafina asked with a raised brow.

SeraphOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz