Riddler: I am pain and suffering, hiding glory just ahead. If victory you seek, then for me, you must prepare.

Batman: I'm you're test subject?

Riddler: Yep. The last ones were good but not good enough. Oh and there's a twist. Some are dead, some aren't, and you know the only to stop them is to go for the head. Can you survive without breaking your rule?

Three jumped onto the ground floor and Drew their weapons. All the assassin were dressed similarly and for some reason his suit couldn't read signs of life from any of them. Batman took a deep breath as the three began to attack.

Riddler: Just so you don't take two long, here's a bunch of countdowns for a bomb that would level the block. Have fun, Batman.

Batman grunted as the screen went off and a spot light beamed down at him. The three that first landed run at him with their weapons drawn.

He dashed forward and threw a hard hook at the leading man. It connected and as the head snapped to the side, he brought his other hand up and pulled it back, breaking the neck instantly. He roundhouse kicked it away then jumped back as the two rushed him.

He punched one in the gut then knocked it down with an axe kick, stepping to the side of the other's swing to decapitate it with a batarang. The head rolled in the air and he jumped and kicked it to a human assassin.

The assassin foolishly caught it and before he could throw it away, Batman was already punching out his face, the rapid fists knocking a few teeth loose and turning his face into mash.

Batman kicked him aside and then began exchanging blows with the rest that had decided to jump him. He ducked a punch and returned it with a vicious throat jab, and then an uppercut, knocking out the assassin in one hit.

He grabbed one's arm, dragged him in the way of another's sword and kicked him in the knee hard enough to tear through his ACL, jumping over him to knock out another with a high knee and face slam. He rolled out of the way of flying shuriken and then threw a few batarangs back, accurately severing the radial nerve of two assassin who fell down screaming.

Three zombie rushed him but he blew through them easily, breaking arms and necks like toothpicks to get to the humans. A kunai on a rope came at him and he caught it and yanked the assassin down from the platform he was standing on, grabbing him out of the air by the neck.

Batman: So you want to dance too?

The assassin looked into the blank white of Batman's mask and frantically tried to escape. Batman slammed him down twice and punched his head into the wall, kicking him away on the rebound. Batman eyes marked where everyone was, counting another fifteen more to go through.

AI: Elevated levels of stress detected. Activating "Chill out" Playlist. Playing - Mr Blue Sky.

He resisted the urge to roll his eyes at the prank one of his 'headaches' had played on him, an educated guess telling exactly which one. Instead as the first beats of the song began, He felt a deep excitement grow from within as he cracked his knuckles and went back to work.


Deathstroke lowered the binoculars with a grim smile as he watched Batgirl ride away. Even from the roof where he stood he had felt the overwhelming sensation of death when Y/n switched with the demon and he was glad he had waited to observe first.

It wasn't difficult to find out where Y/n had taken his baby girl and from the looks of it, she was being held in one of the rooms, most probably the basement, probably with the others that he was sure had been captured.

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