Part 17

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Archer's POV

I watch as the guy charges at me, a smirk on his face which has me smirking right back. The idiot had dropped his gun when Flo hit him and is clearly grossly underestimating my skill level. Like, come on dude. I just took out all five of his armed goons with my bare hands, why would he charge at me as if he had a chance? I am vaguely aware of my surroundings as he sends a fist flying towards my head. I can make out new voices entering the bank, probably the police. I can also make out people leaving as I duck and throw my own punch to his gut, which has him doubling over in pain. I can also hear Flo screaming for me, which distracts me long enough for captain goon to land a punch to my face. Ouch. I really need to stop hitting my head today because the rings on his sausage fingers just split my forehead open. That idiot better hope that doesn't scar, I have enough of those already.

A part of me wants to play with this guy and have a good time beating the living daylights out of him. After what he put everyone in here through he deserves a good beating, but I am also acutely aware of all the men that just poured in with guns which are now pointing at us. So I decided to just hit him while I have the chance. Sending a strong kick to his gut that has him doubling over before punching him in the face a few times, harder and harder before he too is just an unconscious pile on the floor. Once that was done I took three steps back from him, holding my hands up to show I was no harm to the heavily armed men still pointing their weapons at me.

It wasn't until some dude came in yelling "stand down, that's our Rambo you morons" that their guns were lowered and they stood down completely. "There are two in the women's toilets and two in the vault, all their guns are behind the counter there except for these guys. That one is still armed and that guy's gun is there. I knocked them all out so you might want to get their heads checked out" I explain with a shrug, looking directly at the guy who ordered everyone to stand down, he is clearly the Captain I spoke to earlier before Tigger came on the line. 

I watch as he nods to his men, who break into groups to get the other guys before I move to leave the bank. Although I don't get far as the Captain motions for me to stop, making me groan. Scarlett is going to kill me. "We are going to need your statement," he says, his voice a whole lot nicer than it had been while I was on the phone with him earlier. "Sure, but I want to see Scarlett, Lizzie and Flo first. Is Flo ok? He had a gun to her head just before you all came in" I rattle off, cringing when blood starts to run into my eye. That is not pleasant. "If Flo is the blonde lady my guys had to carry out screaming, then she is fine, she is with Miss Johansson and Ms Olsen right now. You can see them in a minute you are going to need to get checked over by a medic, that eyebrow looks like it is going to need-" he never finished as shouting started to emerge from just outside the door before a very familiar blonde came hurdling in, a bunch of yelling policemen behind her.

She didn't pay them any mind, and I watched as the Captain just shake his head, ordering them to stand down. Not that I watched him for long because within seconds I was being pulled into a bone-crushing hug, making me groan slightly as I leaned my head back as far as possible to try and avoid getting blood on her nice white t-shirt. I couldn't make out what Scarlett was saying as she rambled at five million miles a second, but the moment she pulled away I could see absolute terror in her eyes, which automatically had me spinning around. Taking a defensive position in front of her, instantly assuming there was another gunman I had missed or something.

My eyes danced around the room, looking everywhere for whatever scared Scarlett but I couldn't find anything, not that that stopped me to continue to look for something. Blood was making it hard to see out of my right eye and it stung so I figured maybe that is why I couldn't see what had scared Scarlett. It wasn't until gentle hands spun me around and then moved to cup my face that I stopped scanning the room. "Archer, honey, are you ok? That is so much blood" she asked, the last bit significantly quieter as if she was mumbling it to herself. I just nodded, giving her a tired smile as I moved to sit on the bank floor, suddenly feeling exhausted. This has been a very long day and I could really use a nap right about now.

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