Part 19

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Archer's POV

I liked waking up in Scarlett's bed. Just like she promised she stayed with me all night and when I woke up at three am after reliving a particularly unpleasant whipping session she was right there next to me. A welcomed reminder that I wasn't in that hellhole anymore but safe and sound with her and the cast on the set. A feeling not even Daddy and the squad could provide since the incident.  I think maybe it's because I know they are constantly leaving. My whole life has been a revolving door of people coming and going and while I know at some point the movie will be over and I will have to leave Scarlett. I can't help but find her the only stable person I have in my life. The one person who I don't have to worry about leaving me. So with that thought in mind I was able to fall back asleep after my nightmare for the first time ever.

It was weird, waking up to find the sun fully up and other people already walking about the set, really weird. What was weirder though was waking up to the feeling of someone playing with my hair, their fingers tangled in my locks, softly scratching my scalp. It was nice and peaceful, I like it. It almost made me want to fall back asleep for a second time as I snuggle deeper into the bed, which is even more comfortable than the one in my trailer. I didn't even know that was possible since the bed in my trailer is so comfortable. So the fact that Scarlett's bed is this comfortable makes me want to have sleepovers with her all the time. I wonder if she would let me sleep in here more.

As if this morning wasn't weird for me as it is, suddenly the bed started to move under me as if it was shifting to an upright position, which just made me whine. This is comfortable, I don't want to move right now. It wasn't until my pillow started to speak that I realised it isn't the bed that is super comfortable, it was Scarlett herself. "Well good morning to you too Miss Archer, or should I say afternoon?" She teased, her voice soft as she continued to play with my hair, earning a hum in response from me. "Oh, is someone still sleepy?" She continued to tease, her hand detaching from my hair, which had me moving to glare at her. I was enjoying that. "And moody too. Noted" she continued, seems like she is in an annoying mood, joy.

I was fully content with the idea of spending the day in this trailer with Scarlett, just cuddling and watching movies, since we are now on her sofa watching Brother Bear. However, I am beyond hungry right now and want something more than just crisps so I am going to have to get up to go to the green room to eat a proper meal because I know Scarlett doesn't have any real food in here. Boo. Now, normally I would just simply ask Scarlett if we can go get food but I have slept a lot more than normal and skipped my workout. This means now that I am fully awake I have a lot of energy and unfortunately for Scarlett, it is about to be realised and she is going to end up taking the brunt of it as we watched the movie and shared the big bag of crisps. As hungry as I am, I figured I could wait until after the movie was done to go and eat. Just because I have seen it before doesn't mean I don't want to know how it ends.

I try and keep the urge to be annoying to a minimum at first, I was enjoying my cuddles and I don't want to be a pain for Scarlett, so taping my leg was working well.  Well, it was until it wasn't working anymore and I just wanted to get up and run around. Something Scarlett said I can't do until next week after I have been checked out by the set medic who is taking my stitches out. When that failed to keep me occupied I started to lightly drum my fingers against Scarlett's stomach to the tune of on my way, a song that Hawk likes to sing all the time to be annoying. That kept me occupied for at least five minutes, as the movie became more and more boring. Yep, looks like I am over all this. 

So the natural progression was to start poking Scarlett's cheek, repetitively. At first, she just ignored me, but then she started to entertain me. A smile on her face as she kept puffing up her cheeks for me to poke which had me laughing, normally something like this would get me in trouble so it was nice for someone to be a little more understanding that I didn't want to be annoying I just couldn't help it. But she must have been getting tired of the pocking as she suddenly turned her head and pretended to bite my finger, making me laugh even more. "You feeling fidgety baby? Should we go see if we can find some other people to annoy? Maybe get some real food for your belly?" She offered. A smile on her face despite how annoying I am behaving right now. Most people start to get frustrated when I am like this. I mean it frustrates even me, so why is she so calm about it? 

Coming Home- Scarlett JohanssonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon