Part 24

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Archer's POV

It was like the more I ran the more everything became real. Each time my foot hit the tarmac it was like the little voice in my head got louder, the truth of what has happened becoming unavoidable. Spotting Scarlett at the end of the runway was the final nail in the coffin. Coffin. Way too soon. 

That was it, the tears started and there was no way they are ever going to stop. It took everything in me to be able to make it that short distance to Scarlett and the second I could I was throwing myself into her arms, fighting to breathe as sobs consumed me. Yet somehow through all the tears, I managed to get my deepest thoughts out. "My family is all dead Scarly. I just watched Daddy die. He is never coming back. I have no one, nothing. No home, no family, no nothing. I am alone. I just want my Daddy back, Scarly. Why did he have to die?" Just needing someone to understand briefly what I was currently feeling.

After that everything kind of disappeared and the only thing I was aware of was Scarlett's arms wrapped around me tightly. I honestly think she is the only thing keeping me even remotely grounded. I was vaguely aware of us moving up off of the tarmac and onto the plane, although the second she went to put me in my own seat I flat up refused. This is a military plane, they don't have the same rules as a commercial flight and I sure as hell am not letting go of Scarlett right now. Because after all this, when the dust settles, she will have to come back and get on with her life and I... well I honestly have no clue what will happen to me. But I can guess, and with that comes never seeing the cast and Scarlett off of the big screen ever again. So while she is here I am going to utilise the comfort she provides.

I must have cried myself to sleep because the next thing I know I am waking up in my old room on base here in Sandhurst. Although I don't remember the beds here being this comfortable though. Actually, I am sure they weren't this soft and warm, although I feel too empty to care. Who cares if this ain't really the base? Who cares where I am? If I am ok? No one because my whole family is dead, Daddy is dead. I am all alone. There is no one left to care.

Snapping out of my pity party I jump out of the bed, noticing the bed was softer because I was laying on Scarlett. So at least I know I am definitely at the base. A glance at the clock shows that it is already five am, guess I slept for a really long time. Well, at least I am up in time for training. 

So that's what I do. I get up and dressed and outside just in time for the warm-up of drills for the day. This is going to be my life from now on, I might as well start today. It won't change anything if I wait until next week after the funeral, so I might as well just get on with it. Although the looks from everyone, and I mean everyone, are enough for me to regret leaving my room today. So while I was sitting on the track stretching I made an announcement "next person to look at me with anything close to pity gets to spare with me until first blood is drawn. Spread the word" I threaten, knowing all these guys are the same as the ones from before I left so are more than aware of my skill set.

That seemed to be enough because all the looks stopped and I got to get on with my workout without any bother. Matching the men exercise for exercise as I focused on running away from the pain in my chest and pushing away the sadness in my soul. I only stopped when Tiger came out and demanded I take a break for lunch, previously working through the morning group's breakfast as I join in on the next group workout. I had noticed Scarlett the moment she stepped out onto the field. I just chose not to comment. I don't want to fall apart again. I want to work out. I want to settle into what my life is going to be like for the rest of my life.

On day two I decided to join the water groups training, spending my day working out in the pool and doing all sorts of underwater drills. Like the day before Scarlett appeared around eight and stayed all day, just watching me. I could feel her eyes on me but I still had nothing to say. She would sit with me while we ate and would try to speak to me, but I have nothing to say. She would bunk with me in my room, hug me close and try and speak to me before bed, but still nothing.  I have nothing left worth speaking about.

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