Part 8

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Scarlett's POV

What did I just watch?

I mean, she had been crushing it before, making all the adjustments that Joe asked her to, but that take... God. I wanted to tell her how amazing she was the second it was over, but at the same time, I didn't want her to see that I was crying. I mean, after hearing her scream in pain like that, even if it was just her acting, it physically hurt me. 

The way she screamed and withered in pain was so believable I almost thought she knew what it was like to be tortured first-hand. I mean, that isn't possible. She's only ten, but still. I think it would be impossible for anyone to watch what I just did and not cry. Looking around the room, there wasn't a dry eye on the set. Heck, even Joe was trying to wipe his eyes as he spoke to her subtly.

I turned my back for a second to wipe my own eyes, figuring Archer would make her own way over here to see me and grab her phone. So when I turned around and could no longer spot Archer, I was a little surprised. "Where did Archer go?" I asked Xanthi, who had been sitting with me in silence while Archer filmed. "Um, I am not sure. She was right there a second ago," she replies, also looking around for the tiny Brit. Please tell me we haven't lost a ten-year-old on set after two days. I mean, that has to be a record.

"What do you mean you aren't sure? It is literally your job to watch her?" I ask Xanthi, who is way too calm at this moment. I am starting to see why Archer doesn't like her. "She was talking to Joe, and then she was gone," she shrugged, making me scoff as I stood. 

I feel like maybe she has gone back to wardrobe because that is where she came from, and she probably knows her way there. I was almost hoping I could go find her myself, but unfortunately, Xanthi trailed behind me as we started our quest to find Archer.

So we must have just missed her in the wardrobe trailer because Axle said she hadn't long left, which should have made it easy to find her, except she has absolutely no sense of direction when it comes to getting around set. Which meant she could be anywhere. So I started with the gym and then the green room, thinking maybe she was hungry or wanted to work out some more because she mentioned that earlier, and she clearly has an appetite, so I thought perhaps if she wasn't working out, she would be eating.

When both of them failed to produce Archer, I figured she had somehow found her way back to her trailer; it is the only other place she knows. If she isn't there, I am going to have to ask the others to help me look for her. The only plus side of that option is that Xanthi, who has been less than helpful, will get in trouble. 

I mean, all she has done is complain about how long this is taking and that she is bored of walking around. Yeah, no shit, me too, but trying to find Archer is kind of our top priority right now. Something we wouldn't have to be doing if someone did their job correctly.

"Lizzie, you haven't seen Archer, have you?" I ask, spotting her leaning against Flo's trailer as if waiting for something. "Yeah, she is just inside getting changed. I found her earlier. She was pretty agitated because she was lost, so I offered to help her out. We are about to head to stunt training," she replies, making me frown. If I had known she was going to take off straight away, I would have made sure she got a copy of her map earlier so she at least could get around without getting lost. 

"Yeah, she is having some problems getting around. I helped her out earlier to find the green room," I confess, not mentioning why she is having a hard time. It isn't my place to tell people she can't read. I can tell it is not something she likes to speak about.

I smile when Archer comes tumbling out of the trailer, a smile on her face as she walks towards Lizzie, although her smile slips slightly when she spots Xanthi and me. I really hope I haven't done something to upset her. 

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