Part 31

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Scarlett's POV

Archer was a champ the whole time we were in the airport. Heck, she has been amazing all morning. I could tell from the extra half an hour she insisted on having in the gym that she was feeling a little more worked up than normal today, yet she tried her best to be as calm as possible while we were waiting to get through security. It was really impressive watching her catch herself getting distracted and then fight to refocus, especially when she spent twenty minutes looking at the Antman advert. I was happy to let her just look at the billboard though, especially since Archer was so worried about me making her read extra that she made sure we left set early so were therefore running early for our flight anyway. Making the twenty-minute stop fine. 

I could tell everything was a lot for her, which for a while she seemed to enjoy but I think getting a pat down was her final straw though because when she walked over with that look in her eyes I knew she was a few seconds away from a meltdown. I mean, there was so much going on that even I feel a little overwhelmed so I can't even imagine how she feels right now. Between all the lights, people, chatter and the beeping of the metal detectors I am surprised she lasted as long as she did without wanting to shut everything off. 

It was a no-brainer to scoop her up and hold her as tightly as possible when she came over, I mean I would have done that whether she asked for a hug or not because she clearly needed it. Although I am so proud of her for asking for a hug. She has been getting so good at asking for help when she is overwhelmed and I am so proud of her for that. There have been a few times she has hit something or thrown something and whatnot because she has been overwhelmed and I wasn't there for her to ask for a cuddle. But as long as I am there she will ask for help and sometimes she will even actively seek me out to calm her down, which makes me so happy with how much progress she is making. I know this is hard for her but I am so proud of how far she has come. 

I am honestly impressed she managed this long without getting overwhelmed, especially because I know how nervous she is about us going to New York. I know she is trying to hide how nervous she is about everything changing, but after finding her upside down on her bed just laying there for half an hour, I know it is having an impact on her. Archer loves routine, I think it helps her keep her mind occupied if she has a rough idea of how everything is going to go, so coming somewhere she has never been before, in an environment she isn't used to will be a lot for her. So I am trying to do everything to help her stay calm through this change. Truth be told I am slightly nervous about it all too, I mean I don't really know how things are going to work, but I am so excited for us to figure them out together. I'm just hoping Archer doesn't work out I'm nervous or it will just stress her out more and I would hate that.

My hopes are that over the next three weeks, we can find a house for us to move into, that way when we come back from LA we can settle in properly. This means we can spend these next three weeks off just having fun, I want this to be like a vacation for Archer so that she can both enjoy herself and learn all about the place she will be living. In fact, I already have a few viewings lined up for this week so that we can have a look at some places. There is one that I am fairly confident is the one, but it is important that Archer gets a say in where we live, so I figured we might as well see a few places, even if it is just so she has something to compare the place I like. I just hope that she will be ok with her days being so loosely structured. I mean she has gone from the base her whole life to the set, which is just as structured as the base. Hopefully, between the two of us, we can create her own schedule for herself and she will actually enjoy her time off rather than getting worked up.

Once we were through security we had just enough time to grab some snacks and drinks for the flight before we were boarding, one thing I have learnt about Archer is that she needs to be fed at least once an hour or else she becomes supper moody and while it is typically adorable the way she pouts and grumbles, I don't want to upset her unnecessarily while we are flying. Somehow Archer managed to talk me into buying like five Toblerone from duty-free while we were at it, who am I kidding? All she had to do was look at me with those big blue eyes and I caved. Although I did warn her that I was in charge of the chocolate and she can only have a little bit at a time since I don't want her to be sick, which earned a grumble she agreed eagerly when I threatened she wouldn't get anything otherwise.

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